"You always do," Zane grabbed a few bags from Robert and settled everyone in.

"Nice tree, dude. Where's the star?" Robert scooped Mia up and gave her little kisses on her cheeks causing her to peel into a fit of laughter.

"I was saving it for you."

"I can't reach that."

"No shit. But the two of us can."

"Huh?" Mia squirmed out of Robert's arms and scampered off.

"How tall are we?"

Robert shrugged. "I don't know. Six, five?"

"Exactly. You're gonna get on my shoulders, grab the tree and shove the star on."

"No way. I'm not doin' that. Where the hell is your ladder?"

"It's broke. Come on. It's no big deal."

"You can't lift all my muscle, Zane."

"You have no muscles, Rob. Come here," Zane grabbed for Robert's arm, but he twisted away with a screech.

"What is going on?"

"Tess! Oh, Tess! Thank God. Save me from him!" Robert pointed wrapping his arms around Tess from behind, seeking shelter.

"I'm pretty sure your brother can see you behind me, Rob."

"Doubt it. You're bigger than a house!"

Tess turned out of Robert's arms smacking him in the head. "He's all yours, babe."

"Did you just call my wife fat?"

Zane charged at Robert, pinning him down onto the couch with his arm against Robert's neck. Strange bird-like noises gurgled out from Robert until he submitted to Zane's satisfaction.

He let him up and pointed at the star. With a heavy head, Robert picked up the ornament and held it up in display.

"Good. Come on."

"What if you drop me and I fall? Your floor is gonna crack my head open."

"I'm not going to drop you."

"Seriously, Zane. I'm as big as you."

Zane's eyebrow lifted. "You're as tall as me. Not as big as me. Come on."

Zane positioned Robert in front of the tree then bent down between Robert's legs and hoisted him up onto his shoulders. Robert was right. He was way heavier than he looked. Fuck, this was a bad idea.

"Um, you're six five and I'm six five but you can only add half of that height since I'm sitting. I think we're only reaching just under ten feet, dude. Your tree is like fifteen."

"Shut up, Rob," Zane grunted.

"Don't tell me to shut up. I'll fart on you."

"Put the star on the fuckin' tree. You can reach."

"No I can't."

"Yeah, ya can. Just do it."

Robert wobbled stretching up and lifting off of Zane's shoulders. Surprisingly,  he managed to grab the top and shoved the star on much to Zane's relief. He let him down and stood back to assess Robert's work.

"That's crooked as shit."

"That star is crooked," Robert rubbed his chin mimicking the dad from The Christmas Story.

"Shut up. I don't give a shit anymore," Zane sighed rubbing his shoulders.

"Dude, I gotta tell you a secret."

Epilogue - Tess's Secret: A McGregor ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now