Monica:Nobody cares about the Dakotas.

Chandler's watch beeps.

Chandler:Oh okay time's up.

Rachel:All right I got 48.

Elizabeth:Oh that's not bad.Pheebs?.

Phoebe:Oh I got tired of naming states.So I decided to list the types of celery and I have one regular celery.

Zakery:Okay so Rachel's got 48 and Phoebe has the lead in…vegetables Joey?.

Joey:Say hello to the new champ of Chandler's dumb states game.

Ross:Wow how many have you got?.


-December 7th 2000-

    At Central Park Ross is teaching Ben how to ride a bike as Me,Chandler,Monica and Phoebe watch.

Ben:"On bike".I’m ready.

Ross:You sure?.


Chandler:Okay let me just straighten out your helmet there."Fixes it".

Ben:"To Chandler".Thanks daddy.

I hold a laugh at that comment.

Ross:No,no one daddy, two mommies.All right it’s all yours."Pushes bike".



We all clap.

Phoebe:His first big kid’s bike this is so exciting!.

Monica:Oh yeah I remember mine.Oh it was my sixth birthday my dad took me to the park I got it and…it bent.


Elizabeth:I remember when my mom taught me.She would sing to me whenever I fell off of it.

Phoebe:I never had a bike of my own.


Phoebe:Well we didn’t have a lot of money. But the girl across the street had the best bike.It was pink and it had rainbow colored tassels hanging off the handle grips and,and,and a bell and this big white wicker basket with those plastic daisies stuck on.

Chandler:That sounds like my first bike.

We all turn and look at him.

Chandler:My dad gave me his old one.


Monica:Did the girl ever let you ride it?.

Phoebe:No.But she gave me the box that it came in.It had a picture of the bike on the front.So I would sit on it and my step-dad would drag me around the backyard.

Elizabeth:That is so unfair.

Phoebe:Not really I got to drag him around too.

-December 22nd 2000-

   At Monica and Zakery's Zak is on the phone as Me,Chandler,Rachel and Monica are sitting in the kitchen.

Zakery:Buh-bye."Hangs up".I just got us reservations at Michelle’s and tickets to the Musicman to celebrate our first holiday season as a betroughed couple.


Zakery:Betrothed couple.

   Phoebe enters the apartment carrying a skull.




Phoebe:Ha."Puts skull on table".Ah!.




Phoebe:Oh yeah it's my mom's.

Rachel:"Freaking out".Oh my god!.

Phoebe:No,no,no.It's not!,It's not my mom. It belonged to mom.Yeah no she used to put it out every Christmas to remind us that even though it's Christmas people still die. And you can put candy in it.

   Phoebe grabs the skull and pulls out a stick of licorice and takes a bite.



Monica:"Offering skull".Licorice?.

Ross:Sure!."Takes one".Hey I just found out I get Ben for the holidays this year.


Elizabeth:That's great!.

Monica:Are you gonna dress up as Santa?.

Ross:Nope.I mean I know Susan does every year but I think I wanna take this year to teach him all about Hanukkah.

Phoebe:And maybe I could teach Ben about the Christmas skull and how people die.

Rachel:You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.


   Joey comes out of the bathroom reading a newspaper.


Rachel:"To Monica".Did you know he was in there?.


Zakery:How long have we been home?.

Monica:About a half an hour.


Ross:So Elizabeth,Chandler why is your luggage by the door?.

Elizabeth:We are going to my dad's for Christmas this year.

Chandler:"Grins".And we are super excited about it.

Elizabeth:Sometimes I think you love my dad more than me.

Chandler:No I don't I just like the man.

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