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Hiya, I'm Rosa Gage. I'm 26 and I live in New York City but grew up in Miami. I'm a college major at NYU, majoring in Criminology. My best friends are Calleigh Duquesne & Eric Delko. 
I love the beach, I used to go everyday when I lived in Miami. I'm single and ready to mingle. I'm in New York right now, but I'm going back to Miami tomorrow for my new job as a CSI at my uncle's lab. Well, better go get some sleep, got to get up early tomorrow, see ya. 

~~My Past~~

I lived in Miami when I was younger with my mom and dad. I grew up around cops. My dad worked for MDPD along with my uncle, Horatio. Well, he's not my uncle, he's my dad's best friend, they grew up together. But he's like an uncle to me.  When I was younger, Horatio would sometimes come home with my dad after work, I loved when he came to visit, he would babysit me sometimes when my mom and dad would go out. Sometimes, he would ask my mom and dad if he could babysit me just for the sake of it. I was fine with going to Horatio's because it gave my mom and dad the day to themselves also he would always take me out for ice cream.

When I was 16 we had to move to New York for my dad got a new job offer there. I didn't want to moved, I loved Miami but we had to move. When we moved, it was okay once we were settled in and I made friends. But I would always miss Miami, but most importantly the beach and Horatio. Once I left school, I went to college to study Criminology. As I grew up around cops and the law. I've always wanted to work in law enforcement. I always wanted to do the science part of putting criminals behind bars. So I went and studied Criminology for 8 years. I would go down to Miami every year, since I started college, for a holiday to visit Horatio and all my friends.

That's where I met my best friends, Calleigh Duquesne and Eric Delko, they work as CSI's for my uncle. When I would visit we would meet and catch up. I told my uncle that I was finishing my Criminology course soon, and he offered me a job at CSI in Miami!!! How could I pass that up, Horatio said that once I finish my course there will be a place waiting for me at CSI!! I can't wait, I will be going back to Miami. I have missed Miami so much and the beach. When I get there, the first place I'm going is the beach. Now, I am packing for moving back to Miami. My mom and dad bought me a small apartment in Miami. It is furnished, so I don't need to worry about buying furniture, Thank god!! I just need to pack all my stuff and get them shipped to Miami, All I need to do is pack my suitcase and that's me. ready to return to Miami!!!

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