Chapter 1- The event

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Class 1-A sat at their desks, listening to Aizawa as usual. They scribbled notes, chatted amongst themselves, and read through their textbooks. The clacking of the chalkboard at the front of the class echoed through the large room, and the occasional gust of wind blew past the open window, ajar due to the summer heat.

Everything was normal. Mineta was being a pervert, Midoriya mumbled about the class's topics, Bakugo screamed angrily as Kirishima attempted to calm him, Iida yelled for class silence, and Todoroki sat quietly to himself. Nothing was out of place. It was almost too perfect.....too normal.

Things began to become strange when it suddenly became unusually cold. Iida had gone to close the windows, before noticing a purple residue on the wooden frames. Suddenly, a purplelish-black liquid ran underneath the door. "Villains!" Aizawa cried, directing the children towards the back of the room, away from the door. Slowly, a purple hazy mist began slowly filling the room. The class backed away, fearing the worst.

Aizawa attempted to open the windows, but gasped when he realised they were sealed strongly shut, as if they were never openable in the first place. "Shit!!" He cried, seeing the mist grow closer to the trapped students. He ran towards them, spreading his arms. He winced as the mist hit him quickly, spreading a burning heat across his body.
He cried out, hearing the screams of his students. A strange weight dragged him down to the floor, completely immobilising him, and, he guessed, his students.

Behind him, Midoriya cried out, the burning heat engulfing his whole body, but for some reason mostly hurting his face. He crawled over to the nearby Todoroki, and reached out. The taller boy grabbed Midoriya's hand, and pulled the two close together. "Todoroki....Are we going to die...?" Midoriya wheezed out, looking at his tall friend with tears in his eyes. The bi-coloured haired boy sighed, and hugged his broccoli-headed friend. "I'm sorry....."

The purple mist became so thick they couldn't see their classroom anymore. The pain coursing through their bodies was immense. Most of the students could feel their consciousnesses waning, the room spinning and turning dark. Everything disappeared. Death seemed like it was coming to release them.........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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