"Hey don't bring me into this Vi. You and Cap carry on, I want to see who wins." Tony grins.

"Obviously me." I smirk, I also learned the cockiness from Tony too.

"You really think so?" Cap questions me.

"Definitely." I wink, I see his face turn the slightest bit pink from embarrassment. "Seriously though, why am I here when I hate this place." I look at Fury. "All the offence is meant."

"You haven't told her?" Hawkeye speaks up, I should probably learn their names.

"Told me what?"

"You're now working for S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury comments, I glare at him. There is no way Tony would agree to this, he knows how much I hate this place. And he promised that I'd never have to be here again.

"I'm not, I would never work for you."

"Well you do. Mr Stark agreed to it."

"Tony isn't in charge of me, I'm an adult. Not some kid you can control." I start to feel angry, I try my best to keep it hidden because of what happened last time I was angry. Sadly it's not something I remember and Tony lied about what happened.

"I think you'll find that he is in control of you seem as you're medically deemed unstable."

"Excuse me?" I practically yell at him." I am perfectly stable."

"Physically maybe. Mentally no, not according to our records."

"You can take your records and shove them up your as-"

"Okay. That's enough of that." Tony quickly interrupts. "Look, Vi. What you have, none of us do. We need you."

"Don't call me Vi. And I don't care Tony, you're the Avengers. You don't need me, I'm a failed experiment that he did. You said so yourself."

"We're trying to find him." Fury admits. "You're the only way we know how."

"No. You have Thor, his brother. You don't need me." I complain, I don't ever want to see that monster again.

"I've been unable to find him, you were the last person to speak to him." Thor tells me, I groan.

"I haven't seen him for a year, not since Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D found me."

"Well until we find him, Mr Stark has agreed for you to stay here." Fury speaks, Tony backs up a little.

"Tony did what?" I snap while making my way to him.

"Tony did nothing." Tony tries. "Vi, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. All my life I've always looked up to you, did what you said. And now you're wanting to keep me here like a prisoner, control me. Like he did!" I yell. "You're the one who wanted me gone! You didn't care."

"Vi, you know I did." He tried again.

"You promised! You promised that you'd look after me. But look what happened." I throw a fireball at him which misses. "This happened." Another fireball, by now the anger was taking over my body.

"You want to play? Let's play." His Iron Man suit soon finds its way to him, I charge at him which makes us crash through a window leading to outside on the flight deck. People quickly rush away as we fight each other. "This isn't you Violet." I ignore him and kick him away. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You already have." I raise my arm, ready to throw another fireball. Just as I go to throw it a shield skims past me, I turn to see the others ready to fight if need be.

"Cap. That was a big mistake." Tony calls out, I make my way to Cap. Each fireball I threw he would hit away with his shield, eventually we got close enough for hand to hand combat. He's a skilled fighter I'll give him that. But while I'm angry, I know that I have an advantage. I throw a right hook into his face, with a small smirk I go for another punch but as I do I feel a sharp pain in my back. I hiss in pain before turning around to see Tony stood with his arm raised.

Why me? (Steve Rogers Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now