"Besides mother says that the wedding is push off until we can find out where Thomas is," said LeAnn as she looked at Zack

"I don't know why I'm upset, I didn't want to marry Thomas to begin with," said Lacie as she wiped her tears

"Your upset because your worried about him," said LeAnn

"Yeah wait.... I'll be back," said Lacie as she got out of her sisters grasps rushing over to her coat and hat and gloves before storming out the door towards the Andrews household.. she was going to have a stern talk with billy.


As Lacie arrived at the Andrews house hold she stood and straighten herself up before knocking loudly on the door, within seconds Mrs Andrews came to the door.

"Lacie what a surprise, please come in," said Mrs Andrews as she offered the girl to come inside Lacie smiled politely thanking her

"Yes is billy home?" Asked Lacie

"You just missed him he went hunting with his buddies," said Mrs Andrews "why do you want to know?"

Lacie who went out the door turned back around to face the women

"Oh no reason," said Lacie through clenched teeth Before turning around whispering to herself

"Your going to pay for this Andrews"


As Lacie was walking through the woods she finally found billy with the Paul brothers before she made her way over to them she picked a stick up from the ground before throwing it at the pair, this made billy turn around.

"Who's there?!" Asked billy as he shouted behind him "if you don't show yourself you-" billy's words got cut off as Lacie stood before him "Lacie what are you doing here?"

Lacie walked over the three boys as she was angry

"Beat it!" Said Lacie as she looked at the Paul brothers who ran away from billy and Lacie before saying bye to billy

"What was that for?" Asked billy

"What did you do with Thomas?!" Asked Lacie after Lacie said that Billy didn't answer "Billy Andrews I swear to the sky if you don't answer me right"

Before lacie could finish her words Billy's lips came crashing onto Lacies, after a minute the two pulled away

"I took him because it wasn't what you wanted, this wasn't what you wanted, I love you to much Lacie to see you get married to someone that you don't love,"

As billy said that he took a hold of Lacies hand

"Billy, I know you don't want to see me married... but I have to do this, my parents are counting on me,"

Billy sighed

"I have no choice billy! I want to be with you but it's to late, besides your marrying Josie in two years,"

"What if I don't want to marry her, your the one I want to marry," said billy

"What did you do with Thomas?" Asked Lacie

"Lacie you really aren't going to marry him are you?" Asked billy

"Billy... listen you will always be in my heart no matter what, but... this is for my own good, I promise.. I'll be safe, now again... where is Thomas?"

"Follow me," said billy as he looked down trying not to break down crying in front of the girl that he loves


As it was getting dark billy and Lacie were still walking until they stopped

"Billy where are we?"

"This is where Thomas is..."

"In a shed?" Asked Lacie "if your going to attempt to take someone at least try," said Lacie as she slapped billy upwards on the head before the opening the door

"Lacie!" Said Thomas as he got up to hug Lacie Lacie who sighed out of relief hugged him back, even though she wasn't thrilled with the wedding arrangements she was glad that Thomas was ok


As The three walked back to the Salem's household, Lacie gave him a scolding

"You are going in there and you are going to tell them what you did," said Lacie as she pointed to the door

"Lacie do I have to?" Asked billy as he looked at his best friend, Lacie who nodded her head, billy sighed as he opened the door to the Salem residence. When he opened the door both Thomas, Lacie, and even Billy's parents and sister were inside.

"Oh Thomas there you are!" Said his mother Misses Walker as she engulfed her son in a tight hug

"Billy why would you do such a thing?" Asked Rosella as she looked at the blonde headed boy in front of her, billy sighed

"I did it because I'm in love with Lacie Salem, I think it's wrong that she doesn't get to have a saying in who she marries,"

"I know son but we've already set you up to be married to Josie in 2 years,"

"Yea but what if Josie isn't the one I want to marry?" Asked billy

"Billy I have always known that you and Lacie would have a close bond but I'm afraid it's already done," Said Peter

"What do you mean?"

"Lacie, Thomas you guys are getting married tomorrow and after that you are taking a train to Toronto to start your new life," said misses Walker

"Wait so you want us to fend for ourselves?" Asked Lacie

"No because I'm sending LeAnn with you," said rosella

"And your cousin Zack," said Peter, Zack who was sitting down stood up

"You know I can't do that, aunt Linda said that I was to return to Halifax after this year," 

"Kids I know you aren't happy with the preparations but it's done, now Lacie I need you to freshen up for tomorrow,"

"We better be heading home," said Harmon as he pushed his son out the door

"And I'm really sorry about what happened Samantha," said misses Andrews as she apologized for her sons actions

"It's fine I'm sure he meant no harm," smiled Samantha "now let's go home Thomas to get you freshen up as well,"

Meanwhile in Lacie room, she was looking out the window watching as billy was leaving, he looked out the window and saw Lacies shadow. As he did he waved at the girl who also waved back,

She couldn't believe she was getting married tomorrow..


Welp this is the almost the last chapter of season 2 then we will start season 3 hope you enjoyed


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