◉ ‸ ◉ ~16~ ◉ ‸ ◉

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Wednesday Morning

I was walking peacefully in the school hallway towards the teacher's faculty room to get the paper handouts for the class when a couple of girls from my class approach me. They grab each of my arms and take me back to our classroom. I try to break away from their grip but they insist on taking me back since one of them already took care of the handouts. 

When I enter the room, some of my classmates are circling my desk. As I move closer, people look at me with sparkling eyes. What the hell is wrong with these people? 

"What is going on? Why are ya circling my desk? Is something the matter?" I ask continuously

All of the questions are answered with a big teddy bear holding a bouquet of sunflowers sitting at my chair. What is the fucking world is this? I took notice of the note in the bouquet.

"Read the note (y/n)! Read it! Read it!" The class started chanting about reading the note

I open the note that is sealed with yellow wax. The note is simple and enchanting. It just says "A Bella for a fellow Bella" 

"Now what does it say? Something romantic? Something sexy?" the girls says while some of them squeal in romantic excitement for me

"The note is simple but enchanting, that's all" I shrug as I put back the note in the bouquet 

So this is how ya start a date huh? Even though you two are twins but your tastes are very different from each other. 


From 1st to 4th period, every teacher asks me who gave me a beautiful teddy bear. This makes me uncomfortable since my classmates give me a look that I should spill some tea. Then here I am being called by my homeroom teacher at the faculty room. Can this day get even more uncomfortable and troublesome than it is? 

"Ms. (L/n), I think you fully aware of why I have called you here, am I right?" She looks at me with a look that I should have known why

"Sorry miss, but I don't have the slightest idea of why I am being called" I answer awkwardly while making sure to make eye contact so that she will not think I lie

"I heard from my fellow teachers that there is a teddy bear in your seat and I like to know why do you have such stuff in class. Also, I like to know if it is from a fellow or a suitor" She says straight-forwardly

"Uhm... The teddy bear was a gift for my hard work from a fellow in the boy's volleyball. And I am fully aware miss that it breaks a school rule in regards to bring a gift at school, so I apologize for that action made by my fellow" I bow my head in apologizing to my teacher

"I'm glad you are aware that it breaks a school rule since you are our class representative. So, if you feel uncomfortable having the stuffed bear at your seat, you can bring it here at the faculty, and please make sure that you put a name or a note saying that it is yours. Are we clear Ms. (L/n)?" She offers me straight on and I immediately accept it since for sure the next two teachers will ask the same question just like the others

^After last period class^

"Class rep, someone is waiting for you in the hallway," One of my classmates says

"Please tell him, her, or they to wait for me at the gym, thank you" 

I surely do have an idea of who is waiting for me, but that person needs to adjust while I have cleaning duty today so he, she, or they have to wait a while. I try to finish my tasks as fast as possible so that the person or people waiting for me will not get sleepy. As soon as I finish my tasks, I yeet myself from the classroom towards the faculty to get the teddy bear and towards the gym. I saw Osamu scrolling his phone while doing squats, How the freak does he do that?

"Heya... sorry if I made you wait for me, I have class duties earlier that's why," I say sitting on the gym floor

"Hey, are you ready? or do you need a bit of a breather" he asks me giving me a bottle of water

"I'm ready, so where are gonna go? I don't mind where tho" 

"It's somewhere fitting for a lady to be," I say smiling at me while pulling me up from my sitting position

"oh... lead the way, Mr. Miya Osamu and I'm right behind you. By the way, you are the one that put this teddy bear in my chair, right?" I ask while fixing my skirt

"well, I did and how was it? Did ya like it? I hope that I didn't make your day uncomfortable with that stuff" He looks at me while getting my bag and put it in his side

"It looks cute, to be honest, and I can't say that I feel comfortable with eyes staring at me and that stuff," I say pointing at the bear

He just chuckles at my statement, as I gave him a glare. We just walk to the gates when I was about to turn left, he grabs my arm and turns to the right

"Aren't we gonna take the bus? The bus is in the other direction you know" 

"Nope we aren't gonna take the bus cause I got something special for you, well here it is" as he points out

I look at where he is pointing at. I see a bike that can be pedal by two people, I glance back and forth from the bike to him making sure that this is not a joke. 

"So here is the thing (y/n), are you ready to join me into a date of fantasy?" He asks while stretching out his hand

"How can I say no if you do such things just for a date. don't worry I appreciate the effort, so let's go" I say while riding the bike

date of fantasy huh? I guess he wants this date to be enchanting than what I expect. But let's see how it goes.


a/n: heya potatoes, my long wait for a Christmas break is finally here. So I hope ya enjoy this small part of a date between (y/n) and Samu. well... just a heads up, this date will only take 2 parts which are lesser than the date between (y/n) and Tsumu. so since it's Christmas break, I can update quite often than I used to, but still expect my irregular schedule of updates. that's a;; potatoes, stay safe.

~Something With You || A Miya Atsumu x Reader Story~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang