"Only for a week though." I said. Potter was probably trying to impress me. As per usual. Marlene seemed to be reading my mind.

"Now I know what you're thinking, and he's not trying to impress you. It's like... you know when a kid goes and shows their parent a present, and they're hoping they like it? It's like that from what I've observed. Oh, here we are."

She opened a door at the end of the hallway on the right. Inside the big room was a fluffy queen bed with a large white comforter, along with a dresser across from it. The walls were painted a light grey, and the floors were wooden with a large, white rug in the middle. There was a lamp seated on the beside table that was on the left of the bed. On the right, however, was a large glass sliding door that led straight out onto a balcony. I had a perfect view of the lake from here, and I could see a dock with two boats and two jet skis parked around it. Opposite that and along side the wall with the door was the closet.

"It's very nice." I whispered in awe.

"Isn't it?" Marlene smiled. She walked up to my bed and threw my suitcase in the middle. I placed Elle's cage on the dresser, still examining the room.

"C'mere, Lils." Marlene snapped me out of my trance. She was sitting on the bed, and she patted the spot next to her.

"Huh? Oh, yeah?" I walked over and sat next to her. The bed was even comfier than it looked.

She looked at me, as if waiting for me to do something.

"Can... I help you?" I asked, chuckling lightly.

"Oh, don't be thick. What was the whole 'Go greet your boyfriend' thing back at your house!"

"Oh. That. Well..." I took a small breath, preparing for explanation. "So I was fighting with Petunia-"

"As usual."

"-and she was getting on my last nerve when she was making fun of me for not having a boyfriend and being a freak and stuff, and-"

"Oh, Lily, you didn't!"

"-it just came out! She asked his name and the first name that came to mind was Potter's for some reason, then-"

"Of all of the names? You said James?"

"-at dinner she mentioned it to my parents, then I couldn't tell them I was lying, Petunia wouldn't let me hear the last of it, and so I was freaking out-"

"Damn right, you were."

"-I don't know how, but I completely forgot they would be meeting him, and I wouldn't have time to send an owl, so when you guys got there, I just-"

"Freaked out?"

"Yes." I finished, catching my breath. "Oh, what's Potter going to think now? He's gonna think I like him!"

"No, I don't think so." Marlene said. "Between you and me, I heard him and Remus talking about you."

"Really? What was it this time? Betting on how many times he'd get to shag me by the time I've left? Tell me, I've heard it all." I said, a frown forming on my face.

"No, no, actually." Marlene said with a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Remus was telling him not to be a prat around you, because he knew how annoyed you would get. James then started saying how he's going to chill out, and he just wanted you to be comfortable here and be a friend, or something along those lines."

"R-Really?" I asked. A smile smile started to creep on to my face, but I quickly shut it down. What are you doing, Lily? Snap out of it!

"Yeah. Weird, innit? Well, we should head downstairs." Marlene got up from the bed and walked to the door. "You coming?" She called.

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