I'm Your Baby Tonight

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Nicki rummaged through her closet in search of a jacket to wear since itt was late November and it was very chilly outside. She took out the calf length black puffer jacket and put it on, deciding it went well with the rest of her outfit. She had gone casual tonight with a pair of white sweats and a matching white crew neck. On her feet she wore her white balenciaga trainers and kept accessories to a minimum, only wearing her apple watch, a small pair of hoops and her named necklace that she never took off.

She preferred to spend her winter evenings indoors, reading a book or catching up on her favourite shows, but tonight her manager had made it mandatory that they attend the christmas lights switch on, and show their support since their company was one of the sponsors for the big event. She had skipped the event every other year, but this year it wasn't a choice.

She picked up her phone and keys and made sure was ready to go before sending the group text to her friends that she would be starting her round of picking them all up. She didn't bother with a bag since she didn't intend to be there long and was easily able to fit all her belongings in the space of her pockets. She picked up her grey burberry scarf on the way out and after locking the door, made her way to the lower level of the apartment complex and to her car...

"How much longer are you inclined to be here for," Thembi asked as she wrapped her arms around herself after feeling a sudden breeze.

"If I knew I would tell you," she said, watching as they announced the next local performer of the evening. "He said once the lights are on we can leave," she said looking at her watch that only read 7:23pm.

"And the schedule says 8pm so lets hope by 8:01 we are out of here," Lauren added and they all shared a laugh. "Understand that we're picking the restaurant on saturday, and it'll be worth the frostbite we're gonna get from being here,"

"Definitely. I'm already considering what is worth this," Justine said, huddling closer to Thembi to try and preserve what little heat they could causing Nicki to laugh.

"Pick wherever you want, it's on me. I'm going to get a drink, do you guys want anything?" she asked, and they all gave her their orders.

"You want me to come with you?" Lauren asked.

"Nah I'll be ok, I'll get a cupholder, you guys hold this space." And with that she was on her way, maneuvering through the crowd of people and making her way over to starbucks.

Being it was the closest one and the evening was calling for a warm drink, there was a queue, but she didn't mind waiting; it was a chance for her to regain some body heat in the indoor environment. She decided to pass time by going through her checklist and agenda for the following day on her phone and making sure there wasn't anything she was missing. She was in a world of her own reading a review of one of their latest issues when she heard a voice from behind her.

"Excuse me," he said, causing her to turn around slightly to look at him and find a very handsome man looking back at her. "You don't happen to have the time on you do you? I was in a rush to get out and forgot my watch and my phone died," he explained with a small smile that she returned.

"Yeah, it's 7:37," she said back and he thanked her.

"Are you here alone?" he asked and she shook her head.

"My friends are outside, holding our spot," She answered and he nodded. She wanted to ask him if he was there alone, but contemplated the possibility of receiving the answer she didn't want. It was silent again for a moment before he piped up again, just like she had hoped he would.

"I don't usually attend this kind of thing, do you know if they're usually on time?" he said and she chuckled, glad she wasn't the only one who was looking forward to going home.

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