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Okay, it's been a hot minute because I didn't have the motivation to continue this...but for some reason I wanted to write a chapter so here you go...

As I walk to set, I feel a pair of eyes follow me to the entrance. I turn around to see Milo, who was walking up to me right this second. If I was being honest, I didn't really want to talk to him at this very moment. 

"Why are you ignoring me? It's been two days." Milo said looking down at me. I sigh looking around the parking lot, trying not to make eye contact with him. 

"Listen, I'm sorry if that kiss was out of line. But you should know that I don't regret it." He finally said, leaving me outside of the building alone. This would be less complicated if Milo and I never kissed. 

"Hey girl." Kylee said walking up to me, making me lose my train of thought.

"Um, hey." I say to her, walking with her into the building. She punches my arm lightly, smirking. 

"Are you okay?" She asked and I quickly nodded, walking away to makeup. She gives me a sympathetic look, but makes her way to costume. 

I find my seat, huffing when I sit down on the chair. The makeup crew begins to work on my face, leaving me back with my thoughts. What did I feel towards Milo and Pearce? As of now, all I feel is confused. How can I be attracted to two different boys who are nothing alike? It seemed impossible. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" I hear next to me, making me look in the mirror. Pearce was standing there next to me, and I realize that I was done with makeup and hair. 

"Trust me, there is a lot going on up here that nobody needs to hear." I smile at him pointing at my head. I stand up from the seat, fixing my hair slightly. 

"Well, I'm definitely intrigued to know what goes on in that pretty little mind of yours." He said standing behind me, making me blush. 

"I have to go get changed, bye Pearce." I smile at him, walking past him and out of the trailer. 

The door closes, and I instantly feel the heat go to my face. 

There was one thing I did know. 

Pearce was very good at making me flustered, while also being confused about my feelings for him. 

I walk towards the changing room, and after getting my costume on, I head to set. 

After a long day of filming, I head straight to change back into my normal clothes, and take off the crazy makeup. Grabbing my purse, I hear talking behind a door. Being the nosy person I am, I put my ear up to the door to listen. 

"Care to explain about that kiss last night?" I hear a girl say, which sounded like Meg. 

"It was in the moment, and you know that I like her a little." But I couldn't make out the voice. I press my ear closer to the door, trying to hear when I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"What are you doing?" 

I look up to see Trevor standing there. 

"Trying to listen to this conversation that is about me, now shhh." I tell him putting a finger on his lips, and listening closer. Trevor shrugs his shoulders, and does the same above me, pressing his ear to the door. 

"Whatever, that plan might work but you never know. See you back at the apartments." As I hear walking towards us, making me push Trevor away from the door and towards one of the other rooms. 

"Trevor! You made me miss half of that conversation!" I whisper yelled at him shoving his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry! Besides, eavesdropping is not cool either. I did you a favor." He walked away smirking, making me roll my eyes. 

Who was Meg talking to? And what plan?

I sigh, walking out of the room and heading towards the cars with the rest of the cast. I start up a conversation with Ariel and Chandler, and we get into the car. 

"I'm so tired, I'm so taking a nap before dinner." Ariel sighed closing her eyes and leaning her head on the window. 

"I'm with you girl. That dance number today wore me out!" Chandler sighed, now putting her head on my shoulder. I giggle at the two girls and go on my phone. As we make it back to the apartments, they make their way to their rooms to nap. I sit on the couch, turning on Netflix, while swiping through TikTok. 

"Well, isn't my favorite werewolf." Pearce smiles, walking into the apartment and making his way towards me. 

"Don't let Ariel and Chandler hear you say that." I smirk still scrolling on my phone. 

"Well then I wouldn't be telling the truth, now would I?" He asked sitting next to me, putting an arm on the couch behind me. I smile up at him, shaking my head. 

"How was filming today?" I ask him setting my phone down and turning my body towards him. "I rarely saw you." 

"It was mostly some individual recording." He answered looking at me.

Wow, did I love looking into this boy's eyes. But I quickly look away when I notice that I was staring at him for too long. 

"Well, tomorrow is our off day and I was thinking we could hang out again, like last time?" I ask him and I see his eyes brighten. It was the cutest thing. 

"I have the pleasure of hanging out with thee Sara Holland tomorrow?" He asks me, and I laugh while looking down. 

"I guess you do, unless you don't want to..." I tell him and I see the instant regret in his eyes. 

"No, no. Totally want to hang out with you. Definitely." He said quickly, which was absolutely adorable. 

"Good, cause I have the perfect day for us." I tell him.

To Catch a Dream ➢ Milo Manheim and Pearce JozaWhere stories live. Discover now