Helena:So what’s your name?.


Chandler quickly sits down.

Helena:Chandler?.What an unusual name!.You must’ve had terribly fascinating parents.

Chandler:Oh they’re a hoot.

Helena:"To Liz".Friends with Elizabeth Monroe?.Your lucky.


Helena:"Noticing Lizs ring".Oh what is this sparkle something!.

   Helena shows the audience my ring and they cheer.


Chandler:Actually Elizabeth and I are engaged.

Helena:Really?!.Congratulations.When’s the big day?.

Elizabeth:"Blushes".June 10th.

Helena:I see.Well I wish you both a lifetime of happiness."To bald guy".So you’re bald?.

Chandler:Wait!,Wait!.We’d really love it if you could be there.


Helena looks at Me and i nod.

Chandler:I know it would make me happy ma’am.

Helena:Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world.Oh!.I’m getting all misty here!.You’d think I was having my legs waxed or something.

I laugh and Helena smiles at me.

Elizabeth:"Jokes".I know the feeling.

Helena:"Laughs,Goes back on stage".

Elizabeth:You okay?.

Chandler:Yeah.Thanks for making me do this.

Helena:Before we go on with the show I just want to say to the bride and groom how lucky they are to have found each other.In every life a little rain must fall.Fortunately in my life…

Four guys wearing rubber boots,shorts,hats and nothing else carrying umbrellas run onto the stage.

Helena:"Sings".It’s raining men.


Helena:"Sings".It’s raining men.


Chandler:When I was growing up I played the one on the far left.

   After the song Helena asks me to come up to sing and I look to Chandler who nods so I smile and go up to the stage.

Helena:Please welcome Miss Elizabeth Monroe!.

Elizabeth:"Sings".Super trouper beams are gonna blind me.But I won't feel blue.Like I always do.Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you."Winks at Chandler".

Helena:"Sings".I was sick and tired of everything.When I called you last night from Glasgow.All I do is eat and sleep and sing.Wishing every show was the last show.

Elizabeth:"Sings".Wishing every show was the last show.

Helena:"Sings".So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming.

Elizabeth:"Sings".Glad to hear you're coming.

Helena:"Sings".Suddenly I feel all right

Elizabeth:"Sings".And suddenly it's gonna be.

Helena:"Sings".And it's gonna be so different.When I'm on the stage tonight.Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me.Shining like the sun.Smiling, having fun.Feeling like a number one.

Elizabeth:"Sings".Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me.But I won't feel blue.Like I always do.Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.Facing twenty thousand of your friends.How can anyone be so lonely.Part of a success that never ends.Still I'm thinking about you only.There are moments when I think I'm going crazy.But it's gonna be alright.Everything will be so different.When I'm on the stage tonight.

Helena:"Sings".Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me.Shining like the sun.Smiling,having fun.Feeling like a number one.Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me.But I won't feel blue.Like I always do.Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.

Elizabeth:"Sings".So I'll be there when you arrive.The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive.And when you take me in your arms.And hold me tight I know it's gonna mean so much tonight.Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me.Shining like the sun.Smiling,having fun.Feeling like a number one.

Helena,Elizabeth:"Sings".Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me.But I won't feel blue.Like I always do.Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you lights are gonna find me.Shining like the sun.Smiling,having fun.Feeling like a number one.beams are gonna blind me.But I won't feel blue.Like I always do.

-June 9th 2000-

   At my childhood house Chandler’s Mom enters and Chandler meets her by the door with me.



Chandler:Mom.Thanks for wearing something."Hugs her".

Nora:Oh honey.This is so exciting.I thought we screwed you up so bad this day would never come.Oh and just think.Soon there’ll be lots of little Bings.

Helena/Charles:"Enters".Hello all.


Elizabeth:"Grins".Hi uh.

Helena/Charles:Call me Helena.

Elizabeth:"Grins".Hello Helena.



Elizabeth:It’s so great to see you both here.

Helena:Yes!.Although I think we may be seeing a little too much of some people.Aren’t you a little old to be wearing a dress like that?.

Nora:Don’t you have a little too much penis to be wearing a dress like that?.

Chandler:Oh my God!.

   I try not to laugh as Chandler walks away and I follow him.

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