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And there was such fear in her watery eyes that I felt a strong pang, deep in my gut, to imagine the horrors she had lived through. As I enveloped her in what I intended to be a soothing embrace, she was tense for a moment before relaxing noticeably into my arms, her small body heaving with silent sobs as the day’s events caught up with her tortured mind. The conversations of those surrounding us faded from my comprehension almost imperceptibly, and every conscious thought was focused on the grieving creature before me. My breathing was still ragged and my vision still blurry from both panic and exertion, and together we sank to the ground, neither one of us retaining the energy or will to stand. I leaned back against a near-by pine, half lying down, half sitting up, eyes closed. She leaned into me, her sobs beginning to subside, and together we attempted to gather some semblance of our minds and bodies back under our control.

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