Chapter 9

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Everyone suddenly went quiet when l asked about my mother but l seriously needed to know l mean no one talks about her

"We haven't seen your mother in the last 12 years"my dad said sadly

I had so many questions and l  knew that only one person can answer them and that's mom and most importantly wonder how my brothers felt when she left , why she left etc

I think my brothers became this cold because she abandoned them and quiet frankly l don't blame them because no one taught them how to behave differently because dad probable had no clue on how to raise 5 boys

If there's anything l've noticed since l woke up its that everyone is acting a bit strange mostly dad and Sandro

"Is everything alright Sandro"l asked skeptically

"Of course little one why would you think otherwise"he said but l still couldn't buy it

"You look a bit tense "l said as l stared straight at him to show him l wouldn't buy his silly excuse

"Padre has decided to leave the house along with his family"Antonio said out of the blue and l felt all the blood drain from my face

Did l do something dad please don't leave because of me l promise l'll be good or l'll leave if that's what you want but please don't abandon my brothers"

"Hey bambina none of this is your fault Si!"Salvador said

"Then why is dad leaving Sal"

"Hey am just moving to another house but l'll be visiting you everyday"

"Well not everyday because we are taking Alessa with us to Russia"Дедушка(grandpa in Russian pronounced as dedushka) said

"No that's not happening Valdez l may have agreed with you that Salvatore has to leave his family but Alessa is just as much my granddaughter as she is yours"nonno (grandpa in Italian) said

"We all know that things will be a bit unstable for a while once Alessandro takes over they will be people who will be against it and all we want is Alessa safe"uncle Vodim said

"I agree with them padre she'll just stay with them for a week at the very least "uncle Santino

"She hasn't gotten used to them as yet what if she can't adjust "nonno said as he came towards me and stroked my hair

And quite frankly I mentally agreed with him l mean seriously l've just known my brothers for a few days and now am going to Russia with a whole new different family

"Nonno l understand what you are trying to say and l agree with you but this is for her safety and Antonio will be with her"Alessandro said

After Alessandro spoke l thought it was a good idea to voice my questions

"Safety from what and what is Alessandro taking over "I interrupted them

"Don't interrupt your elders when they are speaking Alessa am l clear"Dad said and honestly it was the only time l had heard him speak throughout this whole conversation

For the first time l felt like dad is a hipocrite he was leaving with his step family and leaving us but he still thought he had a right on me

"Crystal clear"l mumbled

"I can't hear you Alessa"he said sternly

"Crystal clear dad and what are you still doing here shouldn't you be with your family"l spat

"Alessa where is all this disrespect coming from"Salvador said menacingly and of l wasn't mad l would have hid under the bed

"Am being honest l thought you guys said we shouldn't lie to each other"l rolled my eyes

"Alessa l don't know where all this rudeness is coming from but l won't tolerate it even for a second"Alessandro said deadly calm

"You are sending me away either way so l doesn't matter"l whispered to my self but l saw everyone's eyes on me

"We aren't sending you away Alessa "G said as he sat at the edge of the bed

"Then why do l have to go "

Alessandro gave me a hug "little one l'll be taking over Padre's businesses and in the business world they are enemies who might not like this so l'll have to talk to them but if you are here they might use you to get to me and l can't put you in danger you know that right"

It actually makes sense that they want me to be away while they talk to the people who don't want Sandro to take over dad's businesses but l didn't miss the tone Sandro used on talk it seemed like it had a double meaning but am just glad that they are not sending me away forever

"Look on the bright side Antonio will be with you and you'll meet your cousins and it's just for a week "Gio said

"Well l can't wait to meet my cousins but l'll missy brothers" l pouted

"Awww my little baby is going to miss me "Sal cooed

"Am going to miss everyone but you Sal"

"You wound me Lil sis"he placed a hand on his heart and swiped imaginary tears from his eyes

"Am joking l love you Sally"

"Never call me that it makes me sound like a girl he playfully glared at me


Your thoughts on Alessa

Your thoughts on Alessa going to Russia

Alessia's rudeness to her father

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