Jake Is Perfect!

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A/n: So this is my first story I wrote months ago. It’s very short and I don’t really like it. But still it is part of my page and in some time it will be revised. I hope you like it anyway.

P. S. Please don’t laugh at me for this.😂


(My native language is German so please be lenient with my English and mistakes.)
Paaring: JakexMc

Words: 680

Warnings: Note of eroticism (I think)

I walk through Jake's apartment. Everything is done. The laundry is done. The kitchen is clean. The living room is clean. Jake works on his computer. I'm bored.
What should I do now?

I let myself fall on the couch in Jake's office and look over at him.
"What do you do?" I ask curiously.
He stares intently at the screen.
"Is that 'your world' as you call it?"
Now I get up again and stand next to him.
"and what exactly are you doing?" I ask again.
"I'm trying to decrypt a file," he grumbles.
"Show it to me?"
"There is no second chair here" He talks as if he weren't here. He is in his world.
"Don't worry" I grin and he looks up at me.
His left hand is on the keyboard.
I grab his wrist and hold his arm aside.
Then I carefully drop onto his lap.
He looks at me with a start and he briefly tenses.
It is cute that he is still sometimes so overwhelmed and surprised.
"Or should I get up again?" I ask quietly.
"Sit stillBut listen "Now a little grin flits in his face too.
So I look at the computer.
"So ..." he begins to explain everything to me.

I drop yawning against his chest.
"I'm not looking through there yet" I murmur and turn to him.
However, I slide towards his pelvis.
Startled, he cleared his throat.
I breathe "oops".
"It's okay," he murmurs, tensing up again slightly.
We look deep into each other's eyes.
With a wave of his hand, he pushes his electronics back onto the table without fear of falling slightly.
At the same time he gets up with momentum and lifts me onto the table.
I gasp from the sudden situation.
Now I'm sitting on the table in front of him. He stands in front of me with my hands to the left and right of my thighs.
He looks down on me easily from above.
"Beware of kittens as you move," he whispers in a harsh voice.
"What else happens?" I breathe back.
A soft laugh leaves his mouth.
"You love to annoy me, don't you?" whispers and and comes a little closer to my face with his. I loop my right arm to pull his neck closer to him.
"Yes" I whisper back and grin cheekily.
His right hand wraps around my waist.
Rolling his eyes, he looks at me.
"Kiss me please," I whisper.
"I don't know if you deserve it," he looks thoughtfully at the ceiling.
I stroke "Jake" impatiently through his hair.
"But only one" grinning he puts his lips on mine.
"Jake please" I complain when he loosens himself.
"Hm no" he winks at me and wants to sit on the chair again.
I grab his wrist and pull myself back.
I immediately put my lips on his and my legs around his waist.
He puts his hands on the table next to my thighs.
A very passionate but supportive kiss.
Although we have been together for some time now, it always feels like New Year's Eve is in my stomach.
I love kissing him and being by my side makes me so happy.
His tongue carefully rubs my lips and I open my mouth.
Our tongues immediately play with each other and make the whole kiss more intimate.
Until he struggles to breathe from me and leans his forehead against mine.
"You should go to sleep now, it's already 4:00 am" he breathes.
"Why shouldn't you sleep?" I ask back.
"I have to finish this quickly"
"But why can't I stay awake with you?"
"Because you distract me and are totally tired," he grins and kisses my forehead.
Suddenly he lifts me up in the bridal style and carries me towards the bedroom.
He gently places me on the bed and lifts the blanket over me.
He leans back to me and presses his lips to mine.
"Good night honey" he breathes and disappears from the door.

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