Chapter One

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Mia looked out the floor to ceiling glass wall. The city seemed so distant from up here, it looked calm as if everything was fluid, moved as it should without any bumps. Of course, she knew from experience that was far from the case. Down in the streets below, there was nothing but chaos as people rushed from one place to another. And yet here she was in this tower, a tower that perhaps in any other situation she would be overjoyed to be in, but today was a day that would haunt her for the rest of her life as the day her mother had died.

Just then the elevator doors opened, and she managed to catch the end of the conversation. There were two voices, a man and a woman.

"Still no word from Stark?" asked the man

"No, ever since the fire was put out, he's been m-i-a." the women answered

"Typical. Only finishes half the job and disappears leaving us to clean up his mess..." the man trailed off. He had clearly forgotten they were not the only two people in the room. Now that they had emerged from the elevator, Mia could clearly recognise them. They were none other than Captain America and Black Widow. They had since changed out of their superhero uniforms and now wearing just casual daily clothing, Cap in jeans and a flannel shirt and Nat in jeans and a plain t-shirt. "Amelia, of course, I'm sorry I forgot you were here."

"Oh just Mia please, Amelia sounds too formal." Mia hated it when people called her Amelia. It made her feel far more important than she was. "And why am I here?"

"Of course, Mia and as too why you're here you didn't give us very much choice."

"I'd say," Natasha joined the conversation, "you kept trying to run into the fire and every time we stopped you, you just tried again."

"When we tried talking to you, you just kept shouting that you had to get into the building" Steve explained, "so, in the end, we thought it best to bring you back to Avengers Tower until you had calmed down"

Mia briefly remembered this, but she had been in that much shock that everything other than finding her mum had just blurred out of existence. "My mum was in that building." She told the two, she couldn't bring herself to say the words that her mum was dead but Steve and Natasha put two and two together. They hadn't realised, and both just looked at each other unsure of what to do.

After a few moments, Natasha took the lead, "I'm so sorry Mia, why don't you sit down?" Motioning over to the table in the middle of the room. Mia did so slightly glad at the idea of her legs not needing to keep her up for a few moments. "Can we get you anything? Something to drink or eat?"

"Perhaps a mocha if use have one please." Realising that she hadn't drunk or eaten anything all day.

Natasha smiled, "Of course, I'm sure Tony will have one lying about somewhere in the tower." She looked over to Steve and he left the room, away to fetch them some drinks.

Natasha sat down opposite Mia and they sat waiting for Steve to come back with her mocha. She looked at Mia clearly feeling sorry for the girl who had just lost her mother. The elevator pinged again and out came Steve, now carrying a tray of drinks, and Hawkeye, who was still in his uniform.

"Hey Nat, how are you?" Hawkeye asked

"Not too bad, you just back?"

"Yeah there were way more apartments in that building than there looked and the landlord was a complete ass trying to get the list of all the tenants living in the building," he explained pointing to the paper in his hand, "but he gave me them eventually with a little persuasion so it's a start to seeing how many people could've been in the building. Since it was early morning were betting there wouldn't have been a lot of visitors and that whoever was in the building was mainly the tenants." Mia's heart dropped. They were trying to find out who had died from the fire. The answer to whether her mum had perished was lying in Hawkeye's hands.

Amelia Stark ~ Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now