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The last time I turned my back on the creature, it tossed me across the alley, almost knocking me out. I knew I'd have to change my tactics.

This time, instead of walking away, I ran.

It didn't help.

After only a few steps, the vampire instantly appeared directly in front of me, causing me to skid to a stop.

Before I could react, the undead thing gently pushed me backward with a flick of her wrists. I knew she didn't use as much force as she could have, just enough to cause me to fall.

Sitting on the ground, I watched helplessly as the female monster approached, licking her lips hungrily as she did.

Only I wasn't as helpless as I appeared.

Once the vampire came close enough, I swept out with my legs, trapping her ankles, locking my legs and taking her balance.

The vampire fell to the ground as I sprung to my feet.

Reaching into the small of my back, I drew my "partner", the subcompact pistol I keep there.

As I completed my draw stroke, the vampire quickly recovered and stood as I pointed my weapon directly into her heart, the bloodstain on her shirt providing an easy to locate target.

"Did you think I would go on a stakeout without my partner?" I asked.

"What?" She replied, obviously confused. "What are you talking about?" I explained it to her with a double-tap to the chest.


The rounds had no immediate effect.

I switched my aim from her chest to her head and again pulled the trigger in rapid succession.


I could clearly see the entry wounds from the rounds impacting her face, but an instant after I observed the bullets strike her, the vampire's face miraculously healed.

What the hell?

She laughed at me.

Before I could pull the trigger again, the vampire grabbed the hot barrel of my weapon.

"Ouch!" The creature squealed, withdrawing her hand in pain.

Before I could process the events unfolding directly in front of me, the vampire lashed out again and swatted my pistol away.

Everything occurred so rapidly, I didn't have time to react or even to see exactly where my weapon landed.

Not that my pistol would do any good anyway. Bullets did not affect the undead thing.

With no other options, I raised my hands between us and formed a cross with my fingers to repeal the unholy thing.

The vampire laughed so hard at me, I thought she might pass out.


After a few moments, the vampire controlled her laughter and spoke. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I haven't had this much fun in a long time."

"Glad I could help." I replied sarcastically, glancing around us, my mind racing for a way to either escape or kill the vampire again.

With a hastily formed plan in my head, I slowly began walking backward. The vampire matched my slow pace and maintained the distance, only a couple of feet, between us.

"You know what comes next?" She taunted.

"You die?" I asked, continuing my agonizing slow pace.

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