chapter 4

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chapter notes: hi guys!! after this chapter the other chapters will be longer! thank you all for 50 reads! its crazy!

Dream threw his phone back on his bed. His eyes were getting tired.

He felt Patches scratch at his leg, obviously wanting something.

"What do you want girl? Are you hungry? I just fed you." Dream said

Patches answered with more pawing. Dream rolled his eyes and got up to refill her food bowl. He murmured under his breath "god you're getting chunky Patches." She looked up slowly as if she understood what he said.

Dream refilled her food bowl and went back to his room. He picked his phone back and saw 3 missed messages from Sapnap and George.

"hey we're gonna stream later, still wanna do that manhunt?" Sapnap texted their 'Dream Team' groupchat.  "you got off of the stream quickly today. is everything okay?

"yeah im good. patches was just bothering me. and yeah we can stream later, if you still wanna lose..." Dream replied

"oh it is SO on." George texted. Sapnap replied with a "^"

Dream laughed to himself. It was almost like he had forgotten about Tubbo. But then....


Dreams face froze. He joined the stream and commented a quick "Minors, they think they're so cool." He saw as everyone realized and started saying "DRE!?!?" "WHY IS DRE HERE SO QUICK?!?!

Dream rolled his eyes. Then laughed. His fandom always insisted on calling his anything other than Dream. He was just glad they didn't call him 'pissbaby' anymore. Then he heard Tommy say "WHY IS PISSBABY HERE?"

And just like that the chat filled with "PISSBABY"

Dream decided right there to never jinx anything like that again. 

He stayed on the stream for a while. Tommy and Tubbo had a way about them that just makes you happy just listening to them."

He checked the time '3:56'

His stomach suddenly rumbled, letting his know he was hungry. He went out to his favorite sushi place and picked up his favorite roll for a late lunch

When he got back it was almost time for the manhunt. He texted the groupchat. "you guys ready to lose? hop on minecraft and discord"

Sapnap replied "yeah im getting on now" George said "me too. and i wouldnt be too confident if i were you clay"

Dream smiled and joined their discord.

The manhunt lasted an hour and surprisingly, Dream won. He stayed up most of the night to edit the video. When the video was finished he fell back on his bed and fell asleep right away.

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