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November 28th

Today has been a special day. The Sarkisian-Herons and Damian went to Brookfield Zoo. They go every year, and it is pretty much a holiday tradition. They all had so much fun, and it even snowed a bit!

Ember had the most fun seeing the monkeys, and she even got to pet the penguins. Yes, you heard that correctly. She was so beyond excited to touch the penguins, and she could play with them for hours. Cady was the most excited to see the lions and giraffes. She got to feed the giraffes, and she was smiling the whole time. She missed Africa so much and being able to feed the giraffes made her smile. 

Janis and Damian loved to look at all of the animals as well, but they had the most fun seeing the joy on Cady and Ember's faces. They had fun seeing the animals as well, and they enjoyed all of them. 

It is towards the end of the day, and the four of them are at the ice cream shop. It's a special occasion, and Ember can have ice cream, at least just this once. She will probably be crazy later, but it's a special treat that she doesn't get often. The last time she had it was picture day, but she is enjoying it now. She has her favorite flavor, mint chocolate chip, and is eating it intently. That's the thing with Ember. It takes about thirty minutes for the sugar to kick in, and then she is a crazy little monster.  

"You enjoying your ice cream Emb?" She looks up at Cady and nods, slowly, before looking back down and focusing intently at her ice cream. The three adults talk about the most random things, while Ember eats her ice cream.

As soon as they finish, they head home in the car. Ember ends up falling asleep in her car seat next to Cady as they drive an hour back home. Cady and Janis know that she will wake up when they get home, but it is good that she is getting sleep now. Ember didn't sleep the best because she was so excited about going to the zoo, so she needed the sleep.

~Time skip brought to you by me stressing about the fact that you guys aren't going to like the next part- I'm warning you now!~

The four of them arrive home, and Cady unbuckles Ember, trying to keep her asleep so she doesn't wake up all crazy. She picks her up, forgetting how heavy she is, and manages to hold the weight of her five-year-old body. 

Janis heads in while Damian heads on home. Janis freezes in her trail when she enters the living room, and Cady sees it as well. Cady's eyes go wide, knowing exactly what she is seeing. Janis turns looking at Cady, her eyes wide as well.

"I'm bringing her to Damian's." Janis nods at her, and Cady quickly turns around, going to Damian's house with Ember. She rings on his doorbell, and he answers.

"Cady, what's-"

"Lion is dead. Can you please watch her?" Damian gets wide eyes, nodding, while carefully taking Ember from Cady's arms, managing to keep her asleep. 

Cady hurries back next door to see Janis sitting on the couch next to Lion, crying. Cady cautiously sits down next to her wife, rubbing circles on her back. Janis looks up at Cady with red eyes and watery cheeks.

"Why did he have to die? Especially today? We were so happy today. Why out of all days he chooses to die does it have to be today?" 

"I don't know Jan, I really don't know." Cady starts tearing up as well.

"We need to bring him in to the vet, get his ashes. That will be a good way to keep him." Cady nods, and they head in the car to the emergency vet with Lion dead in the backseat, being the stillest he has ever been in his whole life. He might have been a crackhead, but he was their crackhead. They drive in the most silence they have ever been in, only the sounds of sniffles coming from them.

~I told you so- another time skip brought to you by me sobbing my eyes out~

A few hours later, they get home with a little container full of Lion's ashes. (This may not be accurate, I don't know how long it takes- please just go with it) Lion died of a heart attack. There was no way to know he was going to die, it just happened, and they were just unlucky to not be home. They head over to Damian's and they see Ember is awake, confused as to why they were gone so long. They take her home and sit her on the couch, looking at her. Nobody can prepare themselves enough for this moment, and Ember has no idea what is happening when they place the temporary urn on the table.

"Where's Lion?" Cady points to the Urn, and Ember gives them a confused glance. Cady starts crying, and Janis rubs her back while Ember confusedly looks at them.

"Why is mommy crying?" Janis sighs, realizing that she is the one that has to spill the news to her.

"Ember, Lion is gone." She gives a confused look.

"Where?" Janis sighs.

"In heaven." Ember realizes, and her eyes go wide.


"He got sick really fast and he died. His ashes are in that container." Ember started to cry, and Cady tries to wipe her tears and stay strong for Ember. They both do. Lion has been there for all five years of Ember's life, and she got attached to him. He slept in her bed, comforted her, and always knew how to make her smile.

The three of them have a rough night, to say the least. Lion is gone, leaving them alone in their thoughts of sadness.


I'm sorry. I really didn't know how I felt about doing this, but it just ended up happening. I am now crying, so I will keep it short and say that I love you all. -Kenzie

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