The addiction called Wattpad

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It only seemed fitting to start this book with this. 

As you may have guessed by the title, I am going to be talking about how Wattpad, a harmless little site for book lovers, has become a drug. If you don't take it daily, well, you die.

Okay, maybe you don't die but you surely feel like you would if you soon don't get a good dose of Wattad. Admit it.

So, how do you know that you are addicted?


·         You find a good book and after that all you can do is think of is what happens next in the story

·         Your hand automatically moves to the Wattpad app.

·         If you write a story, then you constantly think of the number of reads, votes and comments. Like really all the time!   

          You are in school and your teacher is teaching somthing that you should be paying attention to but you are lost in the world of Wattpad.

         Your entire conversation is eaten up by Wattpad. You talk about it like it is not in the book but really happening. ( Though it does feel real sometimes )

         You are reading a book and you laugh with it, you shout at your laptop/ phone screen, you cry when some character dies. 

·         You can't put down the book you start reading until you reach it's end, and one you do reach the end, you instantly start reading another, because you just can't get enough of it!

·         You are just literally begging on your knees for the authors to update. (Self explained)

·         You have something really important and urgent to do but instead of doing that you are glued to Wattpad until it is four in the morning.

·         If Wattpad is taken away from you, you feel empty, angry, sad, bored and weird at the same time.

 These, my friend, are called withdrawal symptoms.  It proves that you are addicted to Wattpad, like me and millions of other people.

But then, Wattpad is an amazing place. There is so much do to, to read, to write, that even the people who hated books ( yes, such people do exist ) fall madly in love with the books here. Fan- fictions, dramas, comedy, scary, mystery, you name it, it's all here. No really, there are books here about everything you can think of. Some that you can't even think of.

So, now that you know that you are addicted, what are the solutions?





Sorry, I can’t think of any.

If you know any cure then please be a generous person that you are and write them in the comments below.

Also, do tell your Wattpad addiction tales in the comments below!

-Sukhmani  <3

P.S. Is it only me, or does this really happen? Please tell me I am not going mad!


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