Personal pet peeves

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Personal pet peeves

The dictionary describes pet peeves as ‘something that a particular person finds especially annoying.’

My definition of pet peeves: things that should be burnt, drowned, frozen AND thrown out into outer space!

Here’s my list of things that ought to be thrown into outer space


Maths books (And probably Maths teachers too.)

 People who chew with their mouth open!

People who just love to use the word ‘like’ endlessly, after every two seconds

Finding one shoe under the bed. Or not finding the other shoe at all.

People who make annoying tapping/scratching noises while you are trying so hard to concentrate.

When a person whispers to another while they are sitting with you, making you feel that they said something about you.   

Wattpad authors who don’t update in time. (Wait! I’m guilty of that too.....)

When you are sitting comfortably and you have to get up because your mother/father/older siblings ask you to do something for them.

When you open a chips packet and find more air than chips.

When someone eats the chocolate/candy that you have been saving to eat later on.

When, in the morning, you try to fix your hair but it decides to ignore all your attempts to bring it to a level where it is at least presentable!

Passive aggressive people who say they are not angry with you but you know they are!

Youtube buffering

Stain on a new dress/ shirt/ jacket that you wore for the first time.

Tripping over your own foot.

People who drag in mud with their shoes.

People who talk during a movie.

When the internet decides to abandon you.

The ‘autocorrect’ thinge

Writer’s block

I have tons of more pet peeves but....(read the last one again)

Tell me about your pet peeves!  I will put them in the part 2. (Of course with the names of the person who suggested it)

Until next time then!

- Sukhmani <3

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