Chapter 6 The truth be told

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Nico sat looking at the floor trying to think of how to tell me " for Christ sake Nico just tell me " my mum said getting worried, "ok here goes" he said. " There has been a war going on between our kind and full blood vampires for hundreds of years, they want to turn us full blood and we won't allow it, they know how strong I am and the powers I possess so they are taking caution, it's been couple of years since their last attack until tonight, they killed your friend to get to you" " why" mum asked through sobs. " the vampires have got wind you are pregnant with my child and the prophecy States a child will be born part vampire part witch part human which will make it the most powerful creature ever and will have to decide what it wants to be and then will destroy the other clan single handed" my mum looked in shock horror " your telling me the baby I'm carrying is to choose then kill? No I won't allow it " mum said " you have to " Nico replied "for if you don't the child will destroy everything and everyone on this planet including you and me". My mum did not know what to say she just laid down and cried Nico decided it was time to leave mum alone for a bit but she grabbed hold of him and said " don't leave me please " Nico smiled and laid beside her wrapping her in his arms while she cried and whispered "Never". The next morning mum woke feeling ill she looked around for Nico as I needed blood but mum could not handle anything today as she got out of bed she felt dizzy so sat on the edge of the bed until she was stable enough to walk. When she was ready mum went in search of Nico, she saw Albert with a tray of refreshments and asked him if he had seen Nico " follow me madam" he said so mum followed Albert lead her to a room with huge double doors and told her to wait while he went in, a moment later he came out and said I could enter. As I entered I see Nico and Blake smiling at me but their smiles soon dropped and Nico came over to mum put his arm around her and asked if she was ok " I fill weak " mum said in a quiet voice " you look terrible babe " Nico said and got mum a chair then a mirror when mum saw herself she was shocked she was a pale grey / white colour with dark rings round her eyes and all her face had sunk in. "oh my god " mum said in shock " let's take her back to bed " Blake said to Nico " I will get my best medics up right away " Nico nodded at his father " please hurry farther " he said and with that Blake left as mum had gone to stand up she went dizzy again and collapsed. A week later Mum woke up in bed with Nico beside her holding her hand mum noticed he was talking to his father so she laid there listening with her eyes closed " I love her father " Nico said " I know this was not Ment to happen but it has I am still half human after all, I don't know what I will do if she don't come out of this" " if you love her you have to tell her when she wakes " Blake replied "I won't stop love son, I like her she is a lovely girl and you have my blessing to be with her if she agrees" " thank you dad " Nico said and with that Mum gently squeezed his hand Nico's head spun round and he smiled relieved that mum was awake but still very ill. " hi" my mum said hardly a whisper she was still week but she noticed she had a drip in her arm attached to blood my mum looked at Nico and pointed with a frown " your blood is very low the baby is taking all your blood supply, you will need to stay in bed for the rest of the time to get your blood up or you will be to weak to give birth and possibly die, I don't want that to happen" he said " why" my mum said " because I love you" Nico replied my mum smiled as happy tears fell down her cheeks " I love you too she whispered, to be honest I heard you and you father talking" " oh really" Nico said with a smile " to be honest I'm glad your father has excepted it because I loved you since that night in the desert" mum said " but I never thought you felt the same" she added smiling with that Nico got up and laid beside my mum kissed her on the head and held her in his arms as mum drifted back off to sleep. When she woke she noticed Nico was gone, she went to get out of bed as he walked into the room " what are you doing" he said " looking for you" my mum replied " I'm never going to leave you " he said as he got to his knees in front of her a pulled out of his jacket a box, as mum opened it she stared open mouthed as she was looking at the most beautiful black onyx gothic style ring " will you be mine forever " Nico asked " yes" my mum replied smiling " well for as long as I live " she added " well I have something else I want to ask you" Nico said " ok " mum replied with that Nico put the ring on her finger and laid her back on the bed and laid beside her and said.........

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