I'm A Little Weird (Tom Holland x Reader)

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A/N: I changed my own character's name because I figured Marvel wouldn't want two Mays in the MCU. And when this girl gets weird, she's really fucking weird. Just a warning.


Tom looked behind the couch in the green room, trying to make eye contact with the new girl at the table. Disney was filming a Marvel spinoff miniseries called 'The Screw Up', and the actress playing June hasn't said much since she got here. In fact, she's sat as far away from everyone as she can outside of running lines. Tom knew how scary it can be first day of shooting, especially with known actors, so he did what he thought anyone decent would do.

The young woman looks up in startlement as Tom sits next to her at the table, giving a warm "Ello there. Mind if I sit with you?" She lets out a quiet 'I don't mind...' and debates whether or not to put her phone in her pocket.

"I hope you don't mind me being here. I just noticed that you haven't really talked to anyone outside of lines, and wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"You sure? And you know you can always join the team for a chat. We don't bite. Promise." He gives a toothy grin, cheeks dusting pink as he gets a smile back.

"I'm sure. And I don't do so well in group conversations. I always get talked over and don't get say much... Makes me feel like shit. One on one conversations is more my speed." Oh god, who ever let this precious woman feel bad?

"That's not very nice of people... Well, would you be comfortable talking to just me? I quite enjoy your company." Real smooth, Holland. Real smooth. Just use the most cliche lines in existent, why dontcha?

"That sounds nice. But you're going to regret that decision. Everyone gets tired or annoyed or annoyed of me eventually. Or I scare them off with how weird I am." Tom just shakes his head. "How could anyone get tired of you? And weird is good."

"No, like I'm really fucking weird. Mostly I'm normal to moderately weird, but sometimes I'll say something and suddenly everyone is looking at me like I just murdered Bambi." The young man hums in thought, placing his chin his hand as he looks at the charming lady next to him.

"How about we both tell each other the weirdest thing about ourselves? And then we can continue talking with that out of the way."

"....Okay....You go first?"

Tom nods, looking away. "I... I have a... a thing for golf gloves..." The actress blinks slowly, head tilting forward. "I used to not know the different types of love of affection, so I thought I was in love with my cousin for a few days." A confused nod from Tom.

You both look at each other, then smile. A long conversation starts, and Tom can't help but find you absolutely adorable. It was a little sad that you had to keep your interests bottled up so much, but other's loss was his gain. So many fascinating stories, ideas, and mini rants about her fandoms.

When it was time to go back to lines, the brunette man asked to see your phone. As he gave it back, he smiled and blushed a little. "My number. In case you need help with lines, or acting tips, or just someone to talk to. You're also free to ask for dinner and a movie if you want."

And with a playful wink, Tom left you walking behind, a small smile playing on your lips.

Maybe someone sees you for real...

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