half an hour later, the game finished and it was going to be quiet hours soon, so everyone began walking to wherever they needed to end up. edmund immediately found the girls and cedric quickly joined, and lastly, draco found them as well.

"everyone is meeting in my room tomorrow morning, correct?" athena had her arm wrapped around cedrics as they all walked back inside, trying to act like she wasn't absolutely freezing. everyone mumbled a yes through their teeth chatter, except for draco.

"and draco, i know you said no but you can still come to my home if you want." athena said and pushed her head past cedric's body to see draco's face. he was smiling at ivy before he looked to athena and returned a grin.

"as i said before, i would love to but i have some things that need to be sorted out at home." draco said, immediately breaking eye contact after. it was normal for draco to be mysterious and try and shut people out, so athena didn't ask questions. none of them did, which was one thing draco loved about them.

"but we can all meet and go to hogsmeade next week?" draco asked the group, everyone a little shocked by his bold words. he had never asked them to hang out, always the other way around. cedric glanced to athena, raised his eyebrows, and mocked a shocked expression. the group all agreed to meet up next week but for the next few days, the rest of the group planned to stay at athena's home.

ivy, belle, and edmund had years and years of a relationship with athena's family. cedric was extremely nervous to meet athena's family but they had a golden reputation for being kind. the rosewood's were very known for being hufflepuffs, being greatly kind, and signifying warmth.

the next morning, the group got up early and found their way to athena's home. classes got cancelled on the first day of the weekend for break, and athena was extremely excited to share her life.

the house was a soft brown color with green vines draping around the colorful windows. many plants sat in the front yard, all almost dead because of the weather.

"hello sweethearts!" a kind looking lady was suddenly opening the door, carrying different loaves of bread in her free arm. she looked very similar to athena, her soft eyes and comforting smile mostly. a few pieces of wavy brown hair framed her face, her light brown eyes matching her hair perfectly, she wore a long green dress that fell to her ankles, some sort of flower pattern wrapped amongst the colors.

"my sweet girls." the lady immediately wrapped her arm around ivy, belle, and athena. they all giggled and melted within her touch.

"so happy to see you, mrs rosewood." ivy seemed completely comfortable and almost warm for the first time cedric had ever seen. he stared in awe as he watched her guard fall.

"and my sweet son!" athena's mother quickly placed the basket she held on the group and wrapped her arms fully around edmund. edmund let out a loud chuckle and held the woman back.

"my 2nd favorite mother." edmund rocked their bodies back and forth until mrs rosewood pulled away. she placed a hand on all of their faces quickly, staring at them separately for a moment.

"my sweet children, how you have all grown." her kind eyes looked as though they could cry, but she held it in. within the next few seconds, she met cedrics glances.

"cedric diggory, the one and only." mrs rosewood stepped closer on the grass, cedric just now noticing her bare feet. her smile turned up more until she stood in front of him.

"the pleasure is all mine, mrs rosewood." cedric wrapped her into a comforting hug, her hands wrapped around the boy instantly.

"he is even more beautiful than you wrote about, pumpkin. now let's go meet the man who raised you." athena's face quickly turned red as her mother embarrassed her.

cedric couldn't help but smile at her mother referring to her as pumpkin. he remembered athena telling him about how he calls her that but so does her family.

"mother please, why do you do this?" athena says with her cheeks brighter than ever, everyone lets out a small laugh. edmund grabbed the basket from the ground and led the group into the front door.

"you write about me, pumpkin?" cedric teased his the smaller girl more, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her.

"oh shut it, diggory." athena shoved him away with a scoff but immediately fell back into his arms. they all snickered as they walked into the house athena called home.

the house was full of different plants and different scents, mostly citrus lingered around in the air. the windows were tall, different pattered rugs everywhere, and the sun shined through the house in an almost heavenly manner.

"sweet greetings children!" a tall man suddenly emerged from an office with his hands raised in the air. the white collared shirt he wore was wrinkled and seemed to have a coffee stain on it, but he didn't seem to even notice.

long chapter lol ❤️
do u guys want more draco or no

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