"You..." Eren stares at you in disbelief, stunned that you could believe such a thing "You think it's Annie? Where is-- Where's you evidence? Tell me!"

You avert your eyes at that "That's the thing," you murmur, your eyebrows furrowing "I don't have any. I just listened to my instincts."


You cut Eren off again "But where I come from instincts are everything and i've come to find out that more often than not that my instincts are correct. But," You shrug "If you want actual evidence Armin has it." And just like that he turns to Armin looking for answers.

Armin stares at the table as he talks, not wanting to look Eren in the eye "Obviously the female titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus she reacted to your "Suicidal Maniac" nickname, something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one that killed Sawney and Beane."

"You're kinda goin' out on a limb there." (Eren)

"Killing two titans at once requires a precision ODM strike." Armin presses on "It only makes sense that the killer would've used the gear they were most familiar with."

"But there was that whole equipment inspection. Annie's totally checked out." (Eren)

"Except, the gear she presented. Well it-- It wasn't hers. It was Marco's."

"Huh? What's Marco got to do with this?"

"It's unclear." 

"Maybe you need to get your eyes checked--"

"Eren," Armin's voice was stern but there was a pleading edge to it too. "I know what I saw, and the fact is--"

"Okay, we get it." Levi interrupts most likely just as fed up with how overdramatic Eren made finding out who the traitor is. "Do you have anything else on her? Any sort of concrete evidence?"

"Nothing, sir." Armin murmurs.

"Blonde hair and blue eyes." You speak up "Other than the fact that the female titan was rapidly gaining on us the first thought I had when I looked at the female titan was that she was familiar. That could go for something, can't it?"

Hands slam on the table and an angry Eren is standing up now "Really?! What the hell is wrong with you!? What kind of evidence is that?!"

"So basically, we're basically, we're going after her without proof." Levi says.

"You're kidding me, right? This is insane! What if it's not her? What if she's not the monster you all say she is?" 

"If it's not her, then she'll be cleared. End of story." Mikasa voices out.

"No one wants to condemn her prematurely, least of all me but-- Either we make a move on circumstantial evidence, or we sit back and let the central government condemn you and Y/N." (Armin)

"Do you even hear yourselves? We're talking about Annie!" Eren yells out.

"Eren," You look up and meet eyes with Eren a cold fury in your eyes that makes him shiver "Don't tell me that this conversation isn't ringing any bells. You fought hand to hand against the female titan. Was there anything about her techniques that seemed familiar? Dig deep." You stand up, an aura of finality surrounding you as you want to end the conversation, "It's Annie. You know it is."


Staring boredly out of the carriage escorting you and Jean through the seats of Sina You twirl a hunting knife you... found from not too long ago.

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