one- crash landing

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donghyuk cringed (again) at the overpowering scent of the ocean. "yuck," he mumbled, trudging along the beach. the sand slipped out from underneath his shoes, making it exceedingly difficult for him to walk.

he held a large bag in his hands, full of beach equipment. his dearest friends had decided that it would be a wonderful idea to leave him to pack all of it up while they went and got ice cream.

"i can't believe Yongtae left me too," donghyuk spared a glance at the sunset, the sky painted in a beautiful array of colours. sighing, he dropped the heavy bag on the ground, sitting down next to it and staring at the horizon.

the beach was completely empty besides him, so he could just soak everything up by himself. it was calm and quiet, and he looked up to the sky. his small grudge was completely lifted, and the smell of the salty water didn't seem to bother him as much.

that was until he heard his phone buzz.

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"OH MY GOD-" donghyuk fell backwards as a body crashed into the water, not too far from the shore. his phone had fallen from his hands,  buzzing repeatedly due to the group chat.

yet that wasn't his concern at the moment. obviously.


desperately searching for where this person could have come from, donghyuk's eyes shot upwards.

there wasn't anything. no plane, no helicopter, nothing. the sky was completely clear. they had just... fallen.

"oh crap, right!" he pulled himself back to reality. he noticed the the person hadn't resurfaced, so he did what any person would do.

he ran into the freezing water after kicking his shoes off, searching for the person. he scanned the waves, trying to see through the sand that floated wherever he walked.

after about three minutes of searching (and doubting himself, because nobody ever just falls from the atmosphere and hits the water and SURVIVES, let alone is even real), donghyuk saw it. a silhouette of a person's body in the near distance, under the water.

"oh my god, they've gotta be dead," he croaked, his throat becoming dry. he went over to the body as quickly as possible, scooping them up bridal style.

donghyuk was taken aback. this person, this boy, was adorable. pitch black hair, clear skin, a nice jawline. the thing was, he had dozens of stars littering his cheeks. they, quite literally, glowed with a silver light.

"what... are you?" donghyuk lifted the boy's body up and out of the water. he wasn't too heavy, so donghyuk could handle carrying him even with his weakening bones.

they reached the shore, and donghyuk slowly laid him down on the soft sand, kneeling next to him. the boy was completely soaked, his hair stuck to his forehead and droplets of water running down his face. leaning forward, donghyuk moved his head so his ear was next to the boy's mouth. luckily, he was breathing.

donghyuk sat back on his legs. how did you survive that? where did you even come from? why do you have actual stars on your cheeks?

the stars shone so bright that donghyuk's curiosity got the best of him.

he poked one of them.

the star was extremely hot, and a sharp burning sensation shot through the tip of his finger.

"OW!" pouting, donghyuk aggressively shook his finger, shuffling over to the water and placing his hand in it.

"who are you?"

donghyuk yelped as he heard a voice behind him. it was kind of whiny, which wasn't what he expected.

he whipped his head around to see the boy he had saved propped up of his elbows. his eyes were bright blue and sparkled in the evening light.

"i asked a question."

"oh, uh... park donghyuk... and who are you? you kind of just fell from the sky..."

"park donghyuk... hmm," the boy furrowed his brows, examining donghyuk's face. "laon. i came from the moon."

and suddenly i hate this idea

ignore the fact that it says feel in the text message,, it's meant to be fell

have a lovely night

the boy from the moon || laonvinWhere stories live. Discover now