Selena - I'm literally 10 seconds late

Teacher - idc you have detention after school

Selena - why are you being a dick

Teacher - what did you just call me make that detention after the football game

Selena - what that has to be illegal

Teacher - Nope now go take a seat

(Sits by booker)

Booker - is that really you Selena

Selena - booker hi how are you and Millie

Booker - what about her

Selena - I heard y'all started dating during summer break

Booker - no

Selena - oh

Booker - oh

Jock #1 - Lookin hot Selena

Selena - lookin the same dude

Jock #2 - Hey wanna go out sometimes

Selena - aren't you the same dude that threw me in a dumpster last year haha no thanks

Jock #2 - you know just because your all hot now doesn't mean people are gonna be all over you

Selena - I know that it's something called puberty when is it gonna happen to you *laughs*

*everybody's phones start going off*

Selena - what is it

Booker - 4 teens were killed last night

Selena - wait I just saw her yesterday at the mall

Booker - well she is dead

Selena - wow

Booker - they think it's the butcher

Selena - the butcher? The same the butcher who killed them people 3 years ago

Booker - yeah

Selena - wow

Teacher - school is out don't forget to come to the football game tonight

(At Night )

(After The Foodball Game)

Nyla - you need a ride home

Millie - no I'm fine

Josh - you sure

Millie - yeah

Josh - you know there's a serial killer wandering around right

Nyla - are you sure for sure

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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