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She stared out the window of her favorite coffee shop. Her hands were wrapped around the mug of her matcha latte, the foam heart disappearing. Her hands were cold from being out in the cold January air, and was heating up fast in the heated coffee shop and with the help of her drink.

"Lilah, are you even listening?"

She snapped her head from the window to the girl in front of her. Arianelle Higurashi, Lilah's best friend since their junior year of high school, meaning their friendship was only about a year old. Her pale friend stared at her through her dark brown eyes, concern written into her face.

"Yeah, sorry, just... preoccupied," Lilah shook her head, unsure whether or not she should tell Arianelle about what had just happened to her. She opted not to, not wanting to drag her into anything that could be potentially dangerous for her.

"It's okay," Arianelle told her with a wide smile on her face. "I'd be preoccupied if my debut was in a week, too! But sadly, I'm not Filipino. But it's fine, because I get to be in your royal highness' royal court for the day, so I'm not complaining."

Lilah let out a breathy chuckle, bringing her drink up to her mouth and taking a sip, diverting her eyes back outside. Of the people walking on the sidewalk outside of the coffee shop, she wondered who was a Yari agent patrolling the streets for Laki in hopes of keeping other Yari safe. She wondered if there was anyone in her family that was also Yari, though it was evident that whichever one of her parents were a descendant, whether it be both or one, was a Dormant.

She wondered if anyone she knew from school might also be Yari.

"Okay, this preoccupation doesn't seem to be happy excitement," Arianelle commented, regaining her friend's attention. "Something is seriously bothering you. What is it?"

"It's nothing," Lilah denied.

"It's definitely something," responded Arianelle. "Is it Jer? Did you two get in an argument, and that's why he's not here right now?"

Jeremiah Simmons was the last member of their trio. She had known Jeremiah since their freshman year of high school. He was actually one of the people that Lilah wondered if he was Yari, too. Despite looking like he was only white, he was of also half Filipino. She was smart enough to know that not all Filipinos are descendants, but there was still the off chance that he could have been. She wouldn't even be able to check for another six months though, since he was still seventeen. What scared her most about it was that there was a chance he could end up being Laki, too.

"No!" responded Lilah, shaking her head. "Jeremiah and I are fine. We are definitely not fighting. Haven't spoken to him yet... actually."

"So it is Jeremiah!" Arianelle concluded.

Lilah looked at her with an expression of puzzlement. "How did you get that from what I just said?"

"It's your eighteenth birthday, yanno, the BIG ONE-EIGHT, and he hasn't said anything to you today?" exclaimed Arianelle, practically yelling.

Lilah had to shush her, glaring at her as people from other tables glanced at them.

"Inside voices, Aria," she said, slumping back in her seat. She crossed her arms over her chest, realizing what Arianelle had just pointed out. "And yeah... I guess... I guess you're right."

"See, I'm always right," Arianelle said with a smile. "It was probably just subconsciously bothering you all day that the guy you have the hots for hasn't said happy birthday."

Though Jeremiah not texting her happy birthday hadn't been what was bothering her, it sure was now.

She squinted her eyes, finally processing the last part of Arianelle's realization. "The guy I have the whats for?"

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