“remember dad asked to check the CRV? Kimmy’s fingerprint was not found on the car’s door handle.. not even on the gear or steering wheel or anywhere else in the car… 2 other fingerprints were found, belonged to 2 males..”

“YES!” Hudson exclaimed with excitement..

“the blood test results came out with drugs found in Kimmy’s blood…” Sydney meneruskan…

“WHAT?!” Hudson shouted…

Sydney humban dia pakai pen, lantas mengunjuk satu jari ke arah Hudson…
“Diam bah, Hud! Potong steam betul… one more word from you, saya kick you out of here..”

Hudson buat muka bida, tapi tidak juga dia berlawan cakap sama Sydney…

“flunitrazepam and valium… and tetracaine.. which is stronger than cocaine…” Sydney meneruskan kata-kata dia...

“and it’s anesthetics, sedation…” saya bilang… it’s not recreational drugs… “Luna Levierre drugged Kimmy with sedatives to make her numb and unresponsive…”

“exactly..” Sydney conformed…

“so Kimmy  was drugged, then carried and placed into the driver’s seat unconscious and planted her fingerprints all over the pack” Holland merumuskan laporan… “they forgot about their fingerprints on the car… tsk tsk…”

“yeps, so Kimmy never drove the car.. proven with no fingerprint belonged to her on the steering wheel or gear.. she couldn’t get there without driving there…” Sydney said in victory…

Click. Click. Click.

Lagi Hudson berselfie… 😳

“bagitau lah bah bini kau siap sudah meeting…” saya mengerutkan dahi… annoying betul ni… “mulut macam karipap pun mau berselfie…”

“sial…” Hudson memaki, tapi dia ketawa… “kau tunggu ah…”

“apa?” saya kasi angkat dagu saya, mencabar ni…

“muka kau macam angkol-angkol ni sudah dalam gambar…” Hudson bilang… ha? “HAHAHAHA!”

“sot sudah kau…” saya jeling Hudson… then saya looked at Sydney.. “did dad mentioned when’s the date of appeal?”

“About a month from now..” Sydney replied…
“Can’t be earlier?” saya tidak sabar oh…!

“Bersyukurlah, Don… that’s the best and earliest date we got… without dad, the court might not even want to hear the appeal…” Sydney bilang…

“if they do pun, it’ll take 2 to 3 more years…” Holland menyokong Sydney…

ugh! Saya memang sedia tau pun.. it’s just that saya tidak boleh tahan terlampau lama berjauhan sama Kimmy…


@Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia, W.P Putrajaya…

A month later… The trial on the appeal lasted for nearly 2 weeks…

Seperti biasa Sydney represents Kimmy… dibantu oleh Damien yang menerajui their firm di KL…

Hudson and Holly mau ikut to KL, but dinasihatkan jangan… they carry the name Bestian… nanti banyak lagi masalah mahkamah dan pihak polis mau siasat keberadaan Kimmy…

memang immigration and semua airlines’ flights kena check… tetapi tiada record nama atau CCTV footage yang memberi petunjuk Kimmy telah ke luar dari the state and the country… mestilah tiada, they fly with their own plane…

Mahkamah rayuan diketuai oleh barisan 3 panel hakim-hakim yang berpangkat Tan Sri dan Dato’…

YA Dato’ Liew Tai Kua gave his statement…
“ask yourself the question: If I now call upon the accused to make her defence and she elects to remain silent, am I prepared to convict her on the evidence now before me? If the answer to that question is ‘Yes’, then a prima facie case has been made out and the defence should be called. If the answer is ‘No’ then, prima facie case has not been made out and the accused should be acquitted.”

Dan dengan semua evidence that the defence team: Sydney and Damien bentangkan dan menggulungkan in his final speech, the verdict has been reached…

DUBS DABS DUBS DABS jantung saya… macam ice saya rasa tangan saya… I held onto dad’s hands…

The verdict read out by YA Tan Sri Abu Khadir Yassin...
“In this regard, I find that based on the whole evidence, OKT has successfully raised reasonable doubts against prosecution case. As a result, OKT is acquitted and acquitted of the charges below section 39B (1) (a) submitted against OKT..”

In court, I hugged dad… then I fell on my knees… saya bersujud, mengucap kesyukuran pada Tuhan…

I can’t hold back my tears, I covered my face and cried… sebak betul dada saya… akhirnya… akhirnya this is all over…

Saya terasa Holland memeluk tubuh saya dari belakang, we are both on our knees…
“you did it, Don…”

Saya menggelengkan kepala…
“No…” I choked out… “you guys are my pillar… I am nobody without all of you, Hol…”

Sydney came up to me… he held out his hands and pulled me up…
“we did it, Your Honour Robinson…”

Saya dan Sydney berpelukan…
“you were exceptional, Counsel Robinson…”

I’m coming for you, my future Mrs. Robinson…

I'm a Sucker for PainМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя