Chapter 2

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Jessica Romanoff-Barnes was sitting on a roof in her spider suit that Spiderman and Tony Stark gave her. Of course, she completely reprogrammed and redesigned the suit, but what he doesn't know cant hurt him.

'He's late' I thought. They were supposed to meet for their patrol of Queens.

Suddenly my spider sense tingled and I turned around and held my attacker at knife point.

"Hey! It's just me!" Said my partner spiderman.

"Sorry," I said removing her knife from his neck. "Next time don't sneak up on me."

"Note to self- NEVER sneak up on Spidergirl." He grumbled while rubbing his neck.

"Should we get started? First one to stop a robbery can make the other person do any dare they want." I smirked under the mask.

"You're on." He said with a smile and jumped off the building.

I quickly jumped off the other side of the roof. I had no intention of losing this bet.

"Remember no killing" Said Spiderman through my comm.

"I haven't killed anyone in all my time of being spidergirl." I reminded him. Keywords 'in all my time of being spidergirl'. I still haven't told Spiderman of my past. I am a little afraid he would out me to SHIELD and then I would be on the run again.

"I know," Spiderman said, "but you nearly decapitated me just now so I felt the need to remind you."

I laughed.

We finished our patrol, (Spiderman was talking nonstop) but sadly there were no robberies so the bet will have to take place tomorrow.

We met back up after our patrol to get some hot dogs together. We eat together so much that the press started making stories about us dating. One good thing about it was that it was funny to hear my partner stuttering and most likely blushing when ever he was asked about our relationship status.

But the whole time when we were eating Spiderman was quiet which was a miracle in itself (though I kinda liked listening to him talking) he was also very jittery and showing all his signs of nervousness.

Soon it got a bit awkward so I asked him about it.

"Wellll..." he started.

I motioned for him to continue.

"Nick Fury wants me to ask you to join the Avengers Initiative."

I was shocked to say the least. I had joined them on a few missions to destroy some Hydra bases but that was it. Why would Nick Fury want me? There are so many other vigilantes in America. Why me?
It could also be a trap to get some information out of me (like my identity).
They had nothing on me when I hacked SHIELD and SHIELD fears things they don't know about and can't control.
SHIELD also has a few moles who could tell HYDRA where I am and I would be on the run. AGAIN.
But I am looking for ways to make up for the things I did and I love saving people. The thrill of saving someone's life and stopping them from having to go through a fraction of the things I went through is amazing.
There's also that small problem of 3 superspies who could figure out about my past and kill me for it. 2 of those spies are my parents so there's that.

Maybe it would be nice to get to know my parents, without them knowing about me.

"Please Spidergirl. We could officially be partners and spend a lot more time together while saving the world." Spiderman says. I can practically feel his Puppy eyes through his mask.

I make my decision and push down that bad feeling that's growing in my chest.

"Okay." I said. Spiderman squeals. "But 1 condition. I don't have to reveal my identity."

He hugs me. "I can't wait for you to join the avengers!" He says. "I will tell the Pirate what you said."

He hugs me again and asks, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Yup. See you then." I said.

He gives a wave and swings toward the Avengers tower. Rookie mistake. He must live there.

I sigh and make my way back to the orphanage.

Authors note

Second chapter! Yay!

Updates might be a bit slow because I am working on another fanfic.
So why are we getting another one so soon you might ask?
Load shedding. YAY! (Sarcasm was used in the making of this sentence.)
I nearly died tripping over my dog in the dark.

Anywho... please vote and comment. I would love to hear your feedback.

780 words.

Stay safe ma dudes/dudettes

Don't die tripping over things in the dark because the power went out.

- hunterofdarkness01

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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