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I woke up from my meditation sesion by the sound of somebody moving in the room. I opne my eyes and see Ahri changing. She was just in her bra and panties. I look to left and see my mask. I get it and put it on. Then i lift my hood on my head. It seem that Shri heard my sudden movement. She turned and saw me. Dhe had a crimson blush.
Ahri: Did you like what did you see.
I see some clothes and force pulling them towards her to cover her.
Me: P-Put some clothes.
Ahri: Suuuure.
I turn my head, to let her change.
It passes some minutes.
Ahri: Im ready.
I turn my head to ser her wearing an white crop top and some black jeans.
Me: Ying and Yang.
She giggles.
Ahri: We should leave, because we awoke pretty early and we dont want to wake the other's .
Me: I agree. Hey, before we leave. Do you have an room where i could meditate or somewere, i will not be bothered?
Ahri: The gym. Let me show you.
Me: Umm, after lunch i want to show you something. I think you would like it.
Ahri: Huh. Sure. Not let me show the gym. Beware, at dometime i will call you for breakfast. Is still dark outside, soo you would have more time to meditate. Now peave the talk and lets go.
I chuckled.
I got up.
We leaved the room.
She got me in a big room with equipment.
Ahri: So this is the gym.
Me: Thanks.
Ahri: No problem. Now i will go and make breakfast. Bye.
Me: Bye.
She leaved.
I took my mask off and i took my upper robe off. My body was shown. I took the lightsaber. I ignited it. I started training. Swinging the lightsaber at inhuman speeds. Backflips. Lifting with the Force the objects in the room. Then i sat down and start meditating, i thinked about the events that happened recently. My dad's equipment. He being alive, kinda. The girls.
I broke the meditate state and start doing pushups. I dint observe Ahri coming in the room. I felt a big weight on my back. But i dint bother and continued.
Ahri: Nice body.
Me: I could say the same thing.
I feeled her, heaten up. She was blushing.
Me: Could you get off, please.
I feel the weight go away.
I got up.
I put the robe back on my chest. I put my hood up and i put the mask on.
Nihilus: Great show.
I grunt.
Ahri: Is everything ok?
I pointed ar my head.
Ahri: Oh. Say hello to him, from me.
Nihilus: Hello!
Me: He says hello back.
She giggled.
Ahri: Lets go eat.
Me: Ok.
We leaved the gym. We slowly goed to the kitchen. Till we heard footsteps.
I ignited my lightsaber. I see Evelynn passin. I put my lightsaber back on my belt. She observes us.
Evelynn: You wanted to hurt me?
Me: I taught you were an intruder. I dint reconize the footsteps.
I hear another pair of footsteps.
Akali appears behind Evelynn.
Akali: Hey, Darky.
Me: Really?
Akali: Yeah.
I inspect the two girls.
Eve: You like what you see?~
Nihilus: Bruh.
Me: I was just expecting more mess from you two.
Nihilus: Smoth, dumb ass. I know you like these girls.
Me: No, i don't.
I use the Force and breaked the connection.
Ahri: We should eat.
Me: Yeah.

??? POV
News"K/DA has a new friend, he has an what it seems a sword made of flashlight."
He has a mask what looks like a skull, and with a robe.
"Nihilus? I should find him."

Tom's POV
We satted at a table, Ahri gaved me a plate with eggs and bacon i just lifted my mask a little so i can eat.
Seraphine: Shy today aren't we ?
I used the Force and levitate a glass of water and trew it on her.
Me :You are a little but wet today.
The girls laughted .
Seraphine: That wasn't nice.
Me: Neither your you did.
She walked furiously back to her room to change.
I see Eve inspecting me.
Me: Like what you see?
Eve: I want to see more, not just that mask and this big robe.
Ahri: Well, he looks awesome underneath.
I shot my eyes to Ahri.
Ahri: You should have seen his 6 packs. He fucking did push-ups with me on him.
The girls looked at me.
I felt embaressed.
Eve: Tom this is true?
I frlt a disturbance in the Force.
Next thing i knew. She jumped on me.
I use the fking Force again and lift her upside down.
Me: Not so fast cowgirl. And Ahri would you want to go a little bit faster because i need to get some things here, if i would stay with you girls.
Ahri: Sure.
Akali: Why we aren't invited?
Me: Because i feel that someone will come here and i need you girls to stay here.
Kai: Sure.
Me: Ok, then , Ahri let's go.
Me and Ahri leaved. We goed in the limo.
Driver: Where to go.
Me: Outside the town ,and you wouldnt need to wait for us.
Ahri: Why?
Me: You would see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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Sorrow,pain. Thats all i know.....(Darth Nihilus's son x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now