Come on! - Reader x Zhongli

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"...." Silence was heard in Zhongli's office everything was, well.. akward... He has been quiet the whole day, You knew you did something but he ignored you As he took his cup of tea he heard a small whimper from you "Is everything alright, Y/N" He said as he took his eyes from his cup of tea "Everything's alright Zhongli! I was just so worried why you were so quiet."
She said as she was fiddling with he was fingers "What are you saying?, Im always quiet" He replied bluntly as he took a sip from his tea "Ehh?! Don't play dumb with me Zhongli! You know what Im talking about!"

You shouted as you whine like a child, You two were best friends but are very very different, He was always quiet, and you.. Your just like a child, His element was Geo and your a Cryo, You really liked him but you knew everything wouldn't work out, As you whined you

both heard a little laugh from Childe who was with The Honorary Knight from Mondstadt and.. umm..uh..A Mascot? Anyways let's push that aside, You got up from your chair and bowed down to them as you pulled both of the chairs

"Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Zhongli and Mrs. Y/N, consultant of an organization known as Wangshen.. and a trusted consent to a the Fatui." He said smiling, I gave the two a smile and a small wave While Zhongli on the other hand just had a small smile

"Wangsheng?" Aether asked as he looked at Childe "Indeed. Wangsheng line of work can be.. sensitive at times. Let's just say they understand when discretion is needed." He as he looked back at the boy.

"And we, the Fatui, have always been glad to do business with friends to walk in the shadows." He said in a calm gentle voice "W-walk in the shadows...?" The Masco- Paimon said as she placed her hand one her chin

"Its is an honor to meet you, I have heard word of you from Mondstadt."
He said with a soft soothing voice looking at him with a straight face.. like always

"It really is! I always wanted to see you! And uhh..- May you explain what.. That thing is-"  Y/N said as she pointed at Paimon   "Im not a thing! Im Paimon so don't even think about calling me a thing!!" She said put both of her hands on the side of her hips

"Wait.. Discretion.. Shadows.. Ah! Is Wangsheng some kind of business involving.."Dealing" with people?"
She asked in a concerned voice

"Indeed, it is as you have guessed."
He said in a serious tone looking at Paimon "Ah!" Paimon shouted in fear as she putted both hands of her face and and floated a little but higher than usual

"The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor organizes burials, We ensure those who has pass on do so in peace" Zhongli said with a very straight face 'if only.. I can see him smile again..'
Y/N thought playing with the hem of her dress "If we are agreed, Come with me, We will speak of the details as we walk."

Y/N stood up looking at Zhongli walk out 'Time really goes fast huh..'
"Zhongli! Wait for me!"
Y/N said running to Zhongli "Ah, I see your head is finally out of the clouds?"
Zhongli said smirking as she blushed "Oh shush! Well, C̶o̶m̶e̶ o̶n̶! lets get going!"

A/N :
AND IM DONE- welp- im tired- I hope you guys enjoy! I'll be making a Diluc or Kaeya one later/tomorrow (if no one requests ofc) So.. Sayonora my beautiful simps!
    - Ethan

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