Harry: hehe

Ron: w-WHAT t-t-tHE bl-loody -ha—ppend

Harry: nothing I tripped coming up the stairs!

Hermione: Harry are they abusing you?

Harry: no *boss's head yes* * covers mouth with shhh*

Hermione: professor may I?

Mogonall: please

Hermione: accio-

Draco: accio Harry Potter
Harry teleports to Draco's house and is sitting on his lap.

Draco: well this is interesting 😏

Harry jumps off of Draco's lap

Harry: hermione telport me to you

Hermione: sorry haz you gonna have to stay with you know what!

Harry: I hate you mione!

Mogonall: well now flitwick is gonna join

Pansy: do I see a new ship?

Hermione: you might not be my favorite person Parkinson but I will help you all the way with drarry

Pansy: yes!

he yelled form Harry's computer that was still on.

Harry whimpers and hides behind Draco

They hear Vernon come up the stairs


Vernon: oh you must all be his magic friends. I am surprised he has any

Harry: whimpers

Vernon: I heard that boy are you- damn it who took him

Draco: I did you old hag

Vernon: when you come home boy it will be waiting

Harry: whimpers and curls into a ball

Flitwick joins

Flitwick: hello class I think everyone is here! Where is mr.potter?

Draco: with me sir

Flitwick: and why- you know what I am not gonna ask because I don't understand kids

After class

Flitwick: goodbye and professor lupin will join soon!

Harry pops up

Harry: yay moony

Draco: who?

Harry: nvm. I need a chair.

Draco: why you have my lap!

Harry runs to grab a chair.
Harry: NOPE!

Hermione: giggles

Professor lupin joins

Lupin: where is Harry?

Harry: right here professer

Lupin: and why are you at- ooooo harryyyy

Harry blushes*
Harry: s-shut up

Lupin let's start today we are gonna talk an animagus. Can anyone tell me what that is?

Harry raise his hand before hermione

Lupin: haz

Harry: an animagus is a witch or a wizard that can turn into an animal for example padfoot can turn in a dog, professer Mogonall can turn into a cat, and I can also turn into a dog like Sirius!

Everyone is shocked that he is an animagus

Lupin: would you like to show us Harry?

Harry turns into a dog with black fur with bright green eyes and on the top of his forhead his fur makes a lightning bolt.

Draco pets Harry.
Harry purrs.

Draco: I didn't know dogs could purr!

Lupin: that had never happened when I pet him I think you hit his sensitive spot that is why. All animagus have sensitive spots or their sweet spot!

Harry's turns back into a human.

Harry: Malfoy stoppp

Draco: fine

Lupin: let continue

After class

Lupin: okay everyone may sign of

Draco: now you are mine

Harry yelps turns into a dog and bolts

That was part 1 of zoom hope you enjoyed I will also be doing a insta story with them! So stay tuned for that. I am also still working on my story. Thank you so much for the support it means the world! Well bye my Pottahs( I am gonna call you both Pottahs and luzs)💕

Zoom classOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora