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Netflix show (because I found out there is also a polish witcher show)

After the dragon hunt Jaskier has been actively heading in the opposite direction that Geralt is rumored to be. The witcher wanted him off his hands, fine.

Besides Jaskier knew he'd let himself get lazy by relying on the man. Dispite what most would believe, Jaskier can defend himself with both sword and dagger. He is quick on his feet and can be silent when absolutely necessary.

In his wanderings he runs into other witchers on occasion. He baffles them with his kindness towards them. He never travels with them though, been there done that and got a broken heart for his troubles.
Doesn't mean he doesn't befriend these men. The eyes are similar but each one is unique in their own way. They quite like "Geralt's bard" though they never call him that to his face. Not when even the mention of said witcher's name has the bard smelling of heartbreak.

(You get to pick which witchers btw)

Unfortunately for him his reputation as the witcher's bard has made him a wanted man. During his wanderings he gets jumped by a hunting party. What were they hunting? Him.

All but two are slain by him, they run like cowards. However he is also wounded. Bleeding out and far from the nearest village he doesn't know what to do.
He leaves the area in which the fighting took place, his lute left behind.
A trail of blood follows him as he walks, occasionally using a tree to lean against.

Dizzy with blood loss he collapses against a large tree with many chaotic roots visible at its base. However the lines of this tree glow an eerie purple, a colour he isn't all too fond of at the moment.
He is too tired to move, blood soaking his clothes and his hand against his wound. He is numb and rather cold.

Something moves around him. Wiggling it's way beneath the hand on his wound something burrows itself inside. He can barely release a gasp a pain before more...things are touching him. His legs, his arms, his neck, and even his head. They are small and feel like little snakes, but are rough in texture.

Through his blurring eyes he looks to see what thing has decided to make him it's meal.

He see's...roots?

Darkness and a slowly radiating warmth follow him as his conciousness leaves him.

Elsewhere Geralt has brought Ciri to Kaer Morhen for the winter and discovers that his fellow witcher's have met Jaskier. His guilt over the words he spoke comes to the front of his mind and he decides to apologize once winter has passed.

Or he was going to wait until he wakes one night from a dream that will haunt him for years to come.

In his dream he is in a dark forest that reeks of chaos, blood, and something else...
The tree's creak eerily and the smell of blood gets closer.

Out of the forest steps Jaskier.
His face is pale, hands holding his gut and chest which are pouring out blood, his eyes showing fear.

Geralt rushes to him as Jaskier collapses only for the way to be blocked by a wall of tree roots. He is shouting at Jaskier and trying to cut through the roots. What really shakes him is the sentence Jaskier says to him just before he woke. His voice sounded as though it took all he had to speak.

"I guess you got what you wanted..."

Needless to say he is disturbed by this dream and decides to leave Ciri with Vesemir (I hope I spelled that right) to go find Jaskier.

Perhaps one of the others will join him?

Either way he follows rumors of Jaskier's whereabouts until he stumbles upon the area Jaskier was jumped. Bodies decayed and eaten by scavengers. The first thing to catch his eye is the lute on the ground. Jaskier would never leave it behind.

He follows the trail of dried blood into the forest until he finds a tree whose roots are partially out of the ground and are almost chaotic in the amount of them. The glowing purple light that seeps out from the lines of the bark make him weary. As he walks around said tree he is frozen at the sight before him.

Jaskier is laying partially propped up by the tree. Most of his body is covered in the tree's roots with only his chest and face visible. The wounds in his gut and chest are filled by roots going inward, wrapping around the hands that were probably pressed against the wounds. Roots around his face have burrowed into the skin near his eyes which are closed.

For a moment Geralt feared the worst until he heard it. A heartbeat, a very slow beating of Jaskier's heart.

He was still alive

However removing him from the tree would be nigh impossible and likely result in Jaskier going into shock.

Geralt racked his brain on what sort of thing this tree could be but nothing came to mind. Nothing seemed even close. He would have to look through the books back at Kaer Morhen, however he didn't want to leave Jaskier.

Perhaps the witcher that came with him goes to inform the others of the predicament, perhaps he call them via...that magic cellphone they have which name escapes me...(something scope...idk)

Either way the witchers Jaskier had befriended, or even just treated kindly, get involved in trying to help.

Either way it is discovered that the tree isn't actually from their sphere. Meaning that it's abilities are not well known and there are a rare few stories about it.
In the stories, five in total, out of the people captured only one survived and they weren't the same. It didn't specify what had changed in them though.

Yennefer was called to help and they followed the stories on how to cut Jaskier out of the tree. They had to be careful and not pull out the roots that had burrowed into his body.

They keep him in a spare room in Kaer Morhen while they try to fine a way to fix this. The roots that remain attached to him begin to grow and latch onto the bed he is in.

It isn't until Ciri touches his skin that they get a hint on what to do. Being the curious child she is she planed to poke his face to see if that would wake him up. In doing so, however, she gets pulled into a vision.

She finds herself in a beautiful landscape. Rolling hills with a forest on one end and the sea at the other. She see's a figure in the distance and can hear someone singing.

'Look at what I offer you'

A voice echoed from all sides

'Wouldn't you like to stay?'

The beautiful landscape flashes into a dark, desolate land covered in slithering roots and the sky glows an ominous purple. The figure in the distance appears to be cocooned in the roots.

Her vision changes back to the beautiful landscape only she is now closer to the figure, its Jaskier. He has a dreamy smile and his eyes are dazed as he strums his lute and sings. She see's another person, this one she cannot describe, siting beside him.
They are smiling at him.

The vision flashes back to the horrible landscape and only Jaskier's face is uncovered by roots. The smile is gone, his face is blank...almost dead.
The person who was beside him is now some sort of amalgamation of roots. It puts a hand on Jaskier's face she see's purple light leave the thing, flowing into Jaskier.

This is where her vision ends and she frantically runs to tell the others. Now they have an idea of what they're dealing with, sorta. Whatever it is, it wants to keep Jaskier in a dream like state.

Perhaps they will have to find a way into the dream and make him realize that that is all it is. Yennefer knows how to connect dreams in this way but also knows Jaskier isn't likely to listen to her.

So Geralt is the one sent.

The rest of this is vage,
Perhaps the tree thing actually wants to keep Jaskier and fights Geralt. Perhaps it was a sort of test, leave the dream you get a boon *cough* witcher aging for Jaskier *cough*, stay in the dream and be merged with the tree itself.

Either way Jaskier is brought back, must rest so his wounds heal the rest of the way, and gets adopted by the witcher's.

Shipping optional tbh

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