Joey:Hey Zak.Y’know that girl you went to college with who,who became a movie director?.

Zakery:Oh yeah Dana Keystone.She was in my Movement class.

Phoebe:What’s a Movement class?.

Monica:It’s Zakery’s way of pretending he didn’t take mime.

Joey:Oh well listen anyway she’s directing the new Al Pacino movie.You gotta get me an audition.

Zakery:Oh I don’t know man.I haven’t talked to her in like ten years.

Joey:No,no,no please,please Zak I-I-I would owe you so much.

Zakery:You do owe me so much.You owe me three thousand,four hundred…

Joey:Hey,hey dude why are you changing the subject?.Why?.Will you make the call or what?.

Zakery:Oh okay I’ll,I’ll try.

Joey:All right!.Thanks.You’re the best.Now listen the last day of auditions is Thursday. Okay?.So I gotta get in there by Thursday. Okay?.Just remember Thursday.Thursday. Can you remember Thursday?.

Zakery:Yeah so Tuesday?.

Joey:"Angrily".Thursday!.Look if you need help remembering think of like this the third day.All right?.Monday,one day.Tuesday,two day.Wednesday when?. Huh?.What day?.Thursday!.The third day!. Okay?!.

Zakery:"Sarcastically".Thank you.


Rachel enters from the bathroom.

Rachel:Hey Mon?.I’m gonna check my messages.

Chandler:You just thought of that in there?.

Monica:Yeah sure nature called she wanted to see who else did.

Rachel dials her number.

Rachel:"Into phone".Hello?...Uh.Rachel."To all".Great someone is in our apartment.Call the cops!.

Elizabeth:You’re on the phone.

Rachel:"Into phone".Oh my God!.Oh my God!.Thank you!."Hangs up".That was the fire department there was a fire at our place!.

Phoebe:Oh my God!.How bad was it?.

Rachel:Well he didn’t say but it was a fire. I’m guessing not very good.Come on we gotta go!.

Monica:Come on!.

   The girls all run out and Joey holds up Zakery making me and Chandler stop as Joey is smiling.

Chandler:What are you smiling about?

Elizabeth:What is so funny?.

Joey:The part I want to audition for is a fireman this is so meant to be.

   As they begin to leave I walk towards Me and Chandler's place.

Chandler:Lizzie where ya going?.

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