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Once Idia and M/n moved into the crystal house, the angelic male began to show signs of regaining his normal self, however, there were ups and downs of this situation. Some days M/n is outgoing and others he shuts down and his eye loses their shin but Idia was determined to get M/n back completely.
"M/n, Are you awake yet?"


"Well you can sleep a bit longer but you can't sleep all day, ya know?"Idia said as he sat down on the side of the bed and gently places his hand onto M/n's head. M/n, still sleepy sits up and leans his hand against Idia's shoulder.
"Mmkay, I'm up...Hey Idia?"


"Do you like me? Because I, really like you-No, I adore you...But I'll understand if you don't like me in such a way."Idia was shocked by the sudden confession from the angelic male. He did in fact like him very much but, he wanted to help M/n before trying to start a relationship but as he thought on it, their relationship could help bring M/n's natural glow back.
"Why wouldn't I like you? You've been so kind to me from the beginning, sure being kidnapped by accident wasn't the best way to meet but you showed me the world I was always hoping to see."

"So does that mean you'll be with me?"

"Yes, sleepy~"M/n pulled Idia down to the bed and snuggles against his now-boyfriend, at first Idia wanted to protest because he had just got the male up but he decided to go along with the flow, if anything he was happy to be in the warmth of someone he cared about.
"You can share this room with me if you'd like?"

"I thought you'd never ask. How about this, we nap for a bit then get up and eat lunch since breakfast is out for today?"

"Mmh~"M/n nods causing his nose to tickle the side crook of Idia's neck, said male shudders a tad from the sensation then wraps his arms around M/n's shoulders and pulled him closer.
It was a special moment for them, nothing mattered, just the sweet feelings of newfound love, and that when it hit Idia. He felt it, that spark that his mother mentioned. There's a legend that when gods fall in love with each other, they feel a certain phenomenon. A second heartbeat, the heartbeat of the one they choose to be with.
"I like this, such a soft sound ringing within my ears, makes me sleepy all over again..."Soon soft snores filled the air in the room, M/n was immediately lured into another peaceful sleep.

Idia's chest swells with pride in being the one to put M/n into a peaceful slumber, not long after he too fell asleep to the sound of M/n's gentle heartbeat.

In the underworld, Hades and Persephone wonder what could happen if M/n were to stay in such a depression for too long.
"Eros will lose control the longer M/n is stuck in that state but I'm sure Idia could help more than we all except."

"Indeed, I mean if we fell in love the way we did, then I know they'll be fine. I still remember when you kidnapped me from Olympus by accident~"

"Oh hush Persephone.."Hades blushed brightly at this, the memory was always fresh in his mind and frankly, it still embarrasses him to this day.
"If I could choose, I would relive that moment ten times over! You were so worried that I would hate you for the rest of time!"

"Oh, my gods!"

"Oh, my gods!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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