Chapter 1

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(Sean's POV)

Running is all I can think about or else I'll die. 

I have dozen of zombies coming after me from the drug store five miles east. My legs is hurting from all the running and I'm so tired of dehydration. 

The only reason I was at the drugstore was because my girlfriend was sick.Her name is Sarah, and she has this rare illness that if she get sick, she'll die from lack of oxygen. 

I volunteered to risk my life to save her of course and it was worth it, I think?

I have a warm blanket, pills, supplies, and a tank of oxygen in my bag. Thanks God that the zombies can't run or I wouldn't survived getting out of the drug store on time.

Another miles to go and I'll see her again and treat her as my patient. If I pass my exam, which would never happen. Turning left from a dead cow into the cornfield seem like a good plan to lose them.

It did for a while, but I didn't have enough time. Running an extra miles seem smart to keep out of their scent or whatever. 

All I have to do is think of a way to get back to the farm without leading them with me.

I don't smell or hear any zombies nearby so I'm safe for now. I look up to see the sunset and realize that I have to follow it to be able go to the farm.

 Running again with the tank in my bag made it worse for my legs.

"Damn it, craps" I hiss at myself. 

My legs and both of my foots is killing me and I think I saw a sign. Moving closer, the sign say 'Welcome to Annabelle's Farm.' Finally. I made it.

I keep moving forward and notice that there's zombies everywhere on the floor and on the garden. Some of them are fresh and others are the ones that I left knowing. 

Running the door I only see my best friend Paul and Sarah. Where's my parents?

Both of them are sitting on the porch with blood on their clothes, and weapons are on the stairs with blood stain. "What happened?" I ask. 

Running up the stairs over the weapon Sarah cough, "The zombies came over the fences." she say every words between breaths. 

I pat her back and do the breathing method with her. "Breathe dear" I say.

I turn to Paul and his eye say otherwise. "I'm sorry Sean, but your father was the person that started the attack" he say to me with his hand on my shoulder. Like it's suppose to cheer me up. It kind of does.

"I knew he would started it anyway." I hiss.

Sarah look up at me and frown. I bend down closer to her. "I'm sorry, I'm being hush but I won't miss them as much as you miss yours" I whisper in her ears.

Still frowning. I knew I have to back off. "That's lame of you to say." Casey say behind Sarah. I stand up and walk to face Casey. "What is it?" I ask. 

She stare at me with these killer eyes. "What's your plan mister?" she ask. 

My plans? Honestly. I don't know. "We can find a curse boat and sail around the world saving as much people as we can." I laugh. 

Casey and Sarah look at each other and smile. Paul groan behind me and say, "Really, a curse boat."I shrug and ask, "What's wrong with a curse boat?"

Paul groan and said, "Because if we have a curse boat. We'll be the ones that have to set up all the rules."Casey move in front of us and put both of her hands on our lips. 

"Guys. Don't be selfish, because we as of humans need to survive this. If not. Humans around the world going to be extinction." she explain to us.

Thinking what she meant I said, "She's right. We have to be smart of how we live now. There's other survivors and we need to find them and regroup."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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