"Let's get his book and get the hell out of here," she said.

"That's a plan I can support," Jasper said.

Clarke glanced over at me, as if she were asking for an explanation for Octavia's behaviour.

"Lincoln," I told her. Bellamy hit the back of the rover, signalling Monty to keep driving. 

There was an eerie feeling to Arkadia. I didn't understand why, but something just felt off here. I didn't like the vibes I was getting from the place.

The doors to the hangar bay opened, and Monty drove inside with us trailing after him. The breaks squeaked as Monty came to a stop.

"Close it up. Turn the rover around. We may need to get out of here quickly," Bellamy ordered.

The doors closed behind us, and the room got significantly darker. Monty and Raven climbed out of the rover and joined us. I looked around the hangar, and noticed how things were just left out on the table; uneaten food, a deck of cards, a half played board game...

"It's like they just got up and walked away," I muttered.

"We're in and out. Pack as much gear as you can into the rover."

"I'll get the map," Octavia said.

"I'll uh... go with her," Jasper offered. "No one should be alone."

"You don't want to load gear, huh?" Sinclair asked.

"Not even a little."

"What's the rush? They won't be coming back," Raven said.

"How do you know?" Clarke asked.

"ALIE's mission is to chip everyone. It wouldn't make sense to return to a place she already took."

"Might make sense if there was someone in that place - i.e you - who could tell us stuff like that," Sinclair said.

"Good point. Let's load gear."


Bellamy had left a little while ago to find other supplies, while the rest of us stayed in the hangar.

"How much do we need?" I asked.

"A lot. We need to be prepared for anything," Clarke said.

"This is so absolutely insane, my brain is still trying to process it. We are literally being targeted by a freaking computer chip."

"Welcome to Earth," Raven muttered sarcastically.

"Everyone finish what you're doing. Meet me at the armoury," Bellamy's voice said through the walkie.

I reached for the walkie and answered, "why? What's going on?"

"You'll see when you get here. We just got lucky."

"On our way."

"I'll go with you," Clarke said.

"Wait," Raven called, causing us to turn around. "Leave ALIE 2."


"I think I know how to activate it."

"Without a Nightblood?" I asked.

"This section here codes for activation using a spoken passphrase," Raven explained, showing us an entry in Becca's journal. It was written in some weird language that I couldn't read.

"You can read that?" Monty asked.

"What? That's - no. How? None of our systems are in that language and you're a lousy coder," Sinclair said.

Wildfire • Bellamy Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now