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Me and my brother was teleported into another room in the lair.
"Seems where having a meeting"
"Oh but we get to see Muzan-chan" he sings, his face pink. "Calm down, honestly I don't know what you see in him"
"Just his power and looks I general"
"Wow" I say Un-shocked.
"Let's go" I tell him as I grab his a hand, we walk down the steps and upside down until we came to our meeting area. I see the other 12 Kizukis.
We all drop to a bow sensing Muzan. Apart from me and Enmu, everyone was nervous. I seemed calm, unfazed, me and brother don't fear Muzan as much as the others.
"Demon Kizuki's, All are doing well keeping things a float, from my absence, now I have new demon moons, as we have Enmu and Enki"
I look up to Muzan, I quickly look down seeing our eyes meet a split second.
"It's nice to have more, but let's cut the crap, all of you must get better, Get stronger, and prove yourselves"
We all nod.
"Very well leave"
With that Muzan sat down next to Nakime . Me and Enmu stand.
Enmu goes to talk with him, I follow him. But I sit in front of Nikime. She's been looking after us. Nikime puts out her arms, as I climb in between her legs, she's sat in a cross legged position. I rest my head on her shoulder. Muzak glares at me.
"Muzan-Chan are we really not that strong as you want?"
"Not yet Enmu, but even your spot told, you and your sister are the strongest in the groups"
"I'm hungry" I mutter.
"I'll get some for us sis" Enmu answers.
"Thank you, please stay safe"
"I always am"
"Okay so not all the time, but I will"
"Enki, get changed and let's train"
"Okay" I race to my room and change.

"Thank you, please stay safe""I always am""Really""Okay so not all the time, but I will""Enki, get changed and let's train""Okay" I race to my room and change

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(I had to change the gym out, I'm not changing it again so tough look)I ran barefoot Ed back to the main area

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(I had to change the gym out, I'm not changing it again so tough look)
I ran barefoot Ed back to the main area.
"Okay come at me"
I raced at Her. We went to punch each other, I ducked under punch, and flipped her over. I tried to hold her down, she kicks me of, I roll across the floor, she stands over me, I twist and grab her foot, I move my body up until my knees hook around her neck, I twist her to the floor on her back, I move here so I stand behind and hold her hands behind her back.
"How was that?"
"Perfect, let go"
I let go and stood back. "Well done"
I look to see Muzan.
"Nikime leave us" Nikime leaves, Muzan walks to me. I start to feel uncomfortable, being in this outfit, I hug myself.
"You fight well"
"I train"
"Yes, Enki I must say I've become fond of you"
"Your clearly different to your brother"
He comments holding my chin, my face reddens.
I'm shocked seeing his face form into a smirk.
"Is there a reason to your words?"
"Yes, Enki over time I've developed feelings, some that I've not felt in centuries, and so much to the point I want to bind my soul with yours"
Is he says what im hearing?
"Enki I wish to have you, I want a Queen, I know it'll be difficult but, I want you"
I was in shock, for the past 3 years I thought he thought me the same as the others, he feels something towards, in a strange way, I like how he makes me feel. My face reddens.
"B-but my brother?"
"So what, and now you have no choice but to be mine, Your mine" he growls as he pulls me into his chest.

Enmu's Twin?! (Muzan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now