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One hour ago, still nothing.

Two hours ago, he is still not there.

Three hours ago, my tears are already dripping. Will he still pick me up? Suddenly, heavy rain fell.

I am still here in front of the mall. The mall is already closed.

I cried even more because I was afraid of lightning and thunder, and I was also wet because of the rain.

"Where are you, Yin?" I said and cried again.

I sat down, put my head on my knee, and covered my ears so that I could not hear the thunder at all.

Where is Yin? I'm scared.

"Nong!" I looked at the one who called me.

A taxi  stop in front of the mall where I was sitting.

"Come in! You might get sick. I'll take you home," the driver said. I stood up and nodded to him. I have mixed emotions now, anger and pain.

I took a taxi.

"Why are you there? What time is it? I'm going home now, but it's good to see you," he said.

"Thank you, Phi!" I said, but my tears still kept dripping from my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Phi, why do people make promises but can't keep them?" I said.

"You know what, Nong, it's easier to say the word 'promise' than to fulfill it. Problems with your boyfriend?" he said and asked.

"Boyfriend, Phi. So, I'm still here because he said he'll pick me up, he promised," I said.

"Ask him later, why?  if ever you were both live together," he said.

"Thank you, Phi," I said, and he nodded.

"Thank you so much, Phi. Here is my payment," I said.

"Never mind, I'm happy to help you," he said.


"No 'but,' I'll leave then. Ask him," he said.

"Thank you, Phi," I said and waved to him, and he left.

I went up to Yin and me's condo. I still feel anger and pain.

When I entered, I saw Yin sitting and looking at the phone.

I couldn't help but cry. He was holding his phone but could not reply to my message. At least one message.

I waited for nothing.

He looked at me.

"Love," he called.

How dare he call me 'love,' I ignored him, took off my shoes.

"Why, Yin?" I asked. He went in front of me.


"You know how stupid you are? Stupid, you promised me you would pick me up earlier."

"You're with Boun," he said, and I smiled bitterly. So, he was like that.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! I'm so tired, Yin! We're always like this! It hurts so much, Yin. I always trust in your promises. So, I'm with Boun because he asked me to help buy a gift for Prem. We all talk about you and Prem. How happy I am with you, how much I love you. For what you did, you just made me look like you don't trust me. You hold your phone, but not even a reply to my message. You made me a fool. How did you manage to leave me alone there, scared, as if you don't know me? I always believe in promises. At least the one who helped me earlier was right, 'it's easier to say the word "promise" than to fulfill.' I hate you so much, Yin! I hate you!  Fuck your jealousy," I yell at him. I cried even more because of anger.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry? No! I don't want to see you first. Rest first, maybe you are tired too," I said sarcastically.

I was tired, but I didn't really give up on him.

"I don't want to see you first," I said, and I turned my back on him. I was about to turn around when he suddenly hugged me.

But I strongly removed his hug from me, and I quickly went upstairs. I took clothes to our room and brought them to the guest room where I will sleep first.

I took a shower and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom, I buried my face in the pillow and cried so hard.

BECAUSE OF MY JEALOUSYWhere stories live. Discover now