...Sad and alone...

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I was in the living room and crying to myself, i was looking around the room till i saw an book looking akward

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I was in the living room and crying to myself, i was looking around the room till i saw an book looking akward. I got up and go to it.
"I hope mom and dad are happy, and have a lovely life, in the afterlife."
I get the book and something clicks. I push the wall and it was an phasage.
"What the fuck?"
I enter it and saw a box. I open it and saw a strange mask, a cloak and a lighsaber. I reconize it.
"I-It w-was m-my father's."
I pui the mask .
I black out.
???: Son.
Me: D-Dad?
Nihilus: It's me, son.
Me: H-How?
Nihilus: I transported my soul in this cloak and mask.
Me: So i guess you can take control over them?
Nihilus: No... sadly. But we can talk without you blacking out.
Me: So we can talk in my mind.
Nihilus: For short yeah and i can transform into a ghost.
Me: Wow. Now, can you please wake me up.
Nihilus: Sure.

I awake from the black out.
I immediatly put the mask and i cover myselft with the cloak. I take the lightsaber.
Me: Father , can you hear me.
My voice was different. Deeper.
I ignite the lighsaber. I feel power going trought me.
Nihilus: I know, it feels great . I share my power with you. You can shoot thunder trought your fingers. I electrocuted a nearby wall.
Me: Wow.
Nihilus: Please, dont be naive like me and kill everything you can see.
Me: Promise.
Nihilus: Use it for good.
Me: I almost forgot i need to go, i have a mission.
Nihilus: What?
Me: Bounty.
Nihilus: You have become a bounty hunter.
Me: Yeah, easy money and fun.
Nihilus: Meh.
I go outside and i hope in my spaceship. I hop in it and start it. I go into hyperspace.
Nihilus : I feel something is going wrong.
When i  camed out of hyperspace i see a planet with green and blue what has a moon. I go into the atmosphere and land randomly on a field near a city.
I get off the ship.
I press one button and my spaceship camouflage. I get my lighsaber and put it on my belt. I walk to the city.
I enter it.
Soo many people looked at me. I started running. I arrived at an alley, i see 4 gurls whoo seemed scared and 8 guys, hitting them.
Nihilus: I think its showtime.
I started laughting.
The boys noticed me.
Bly#1: Hey pubk, i dint know Halloween camed early.
"How he can be soo disrespectfull?"
I ignited my lighsaber.
The boys laughted.
Boy#2: You think a flashlight can hurt us. HAHAHA!
The bois camed rushing.
I force chock 3 of them.
2 i sliced with my lightsaber.
And the final 3 i electrocuted to death.
I raised the girls with the force.
(Ah, yeah i forgot to tell you, i was force sensitive)
I helped them get on the feet. I see a girl who has furry features, tails, ears. Fox. The other three look normal. One girl with grey hair looks suspiciously.
Nihilus: That girl looks like danger. Stay away.
Me: I would.
Girl 1: I would, what?
Me: I speaked to someone close.
I pointed at my head.
I removed my mask.
Girl 1: Name's Akali. This is Ahri.*pointing at the furry one* this is Kai'Sa*pointing at the girl with purple hair.* and finally Evelynn.*pointing at the grey hair girl*. You are awseome. You're sword skills are awesome.
Me: Excuse me? This is no sword. This is a lightsaber.
Akali: I dint know, sorry. I dint mean to insult you.
Me: *sight* It's ok.
I put a weak smile.
Ahri: Thank's for saving us. These guys wanted to rape us.
When i heard those words, i was shooked.
I turned to the remaining survivers,those who i electrocuted, i force choke them into the air. They were gasping for air, but they can't breath. They died, at my hands. I let their lifeless bodies hit the ground. Inwas fueled by anger. My mom too was raped by burglars when i was young. I turn to the girls, they seem a little bit scared and shooked.
Me: Dont be scared i wouldnt hurt innocence.
Akali: It was enought just beating them.
Ahri: Yeah.
I sighted.
Kai'sa: But it's ok.
Me: You said thhat becaause you are scared, i can feel that in the Force.
Evelynn: Force?
Me: Force is everything that suround us. Maybe in this universe it isnt. But i can still use it.
Kai: What do you mean by"this yniverse"?
Me: Im not from here, i think i got herr from hyperspace. There's a little chance that you go in another dimension and hyperspace is creating and alternative portal and going fast trought the universe. It's hard to proces, i know.
Ahri: I know we just met, but. You seem a respectable person, i was wondering if you want to be ours bodyguard? They are guys like these all over our fanbase.
Me: What is soo special about you that you have a fanbase?
Akali: We are musicians, artists.
Me: Ahh, how i dint know, the all "sparkly" costumes, i should have know and for your question, wait. It's gonna be awkward.
I sit down and concentrate to summon my dad.
Nihilus: Who dares to summon the almighty Darth Nihilus. The Never End Hunger.
I laughted.
Nihilus: Tom, what are you doing.
Akali: Now there are two of them. AAHHH.
I face palmed.
Nihilus: We are not the same person, im his father.*pointing at me*
Evelynn: Then why look the same?
Me: These are my clothes, they posses my spirit. For example if i want i can speak with Tom, when he wears them.
I slowly nod.
Nihilus: And by the way great job.
Me: Thank, now coming back . It's ok if i become thei bodyguard.
H esliwly inspect them.
Nihilus: Potential , gone. But you are stuck here, soo . Yeah and you are surrounded by girls, i approve.
I blushed. Before he could say any more things i broke the connection.
Evelynn: Someone is embaressed by his father.
I put back my mask to cover my face.
Ahri goed in front.
Ahri: Follow me.
They start running , i walk behind them. They slowly dissapear, i run after them. Slowly but surely i catchet up to them. They were surounded by fans. Before any more shit. I slowly pushe the fans out of my wag with the use of the Force . The fans were shooked. They looked amazed.
Me: Ready girls?
Akali: You are slow like a snail.
Me: I can't run in a robe smart ass.
She looked furious. But before she could do any thing Evelynn caught her ine her wrist.
Eve wispered something in her ear, that made her blush.
Me: Someone is atracted by the same gender?*being annoying*
That snapped Akali back to reality.She blushed.
I made a Force bareier around us. No one could aproach us.
We slowly got to a car. I let the shield down. I open the back door.
Me: Ladies first.
Evelynn: If i remember right , you are the only one with a dress.
She earbed a few chuckles.
I smirked.
Me: Do you want to check if i am a boy or a girl?
She blushed.
Evelynn: Fuck you.
Me: So fast? Not even a first date? So sad. But how do you want? Couch? Bed ?
Everyone bursted laughting.
She entered the limo flustrated. The girls followed. I entered too. I sat down.
I got my lighsaber and levitate it and played with it. Mostly spinning it in circles.
Nihilus: Behold the grand Darth Boredom.
Me: What do you want me to do?
Nihilus: Make a move with ine of the girls, maybe?
Me: Hell, no. Now let me meditate.
I get my mask off.
I close my eyes and start meditating.
I feel eyes on me. So i shot open my eyes. I look at the girls, they dint knew how to look like they dint stare at me.
I sight.
I put my mask on.
" I knew the affect i have on women."
I chuckled.
Driver: We arrived.
Me: Where?
Akali: Our mansion. You are going to live with us.
Me: Fuck.........
Ahri: Girls, we need to sneak in, Seraphine dont know about Tom.
Me: Ok.
The girls leaved the limo, so do i.
Me: Fuck, i dont have no clothes at me, neither i have on my ship.
Akali: You are to tall for my clothes.
Ahri: Me too.
Kai: Me three.
Eve: Me four.
I sighted.
We carefully aproached the front door.
Me: Girls i feel, an angry pressence.
Ahri opened the door. At the door insee an angry girl.
Seraphine: Where were you and who is this guy?
Before they could say anything , she rushed at me. In defense i got my lighstaber and ignited it.
She seemed scared by my weapon. She backed off.
Seraphine: Girl are you in trouble.
I put my arm around Ahri's neck.
I whisper in her ear.
Me: Play the game.
Me: Yeah, Ahri is my long girlfriend. Right, Ahri?
Seraphine: WHAT? I have soo many wuestion! Why? how?
Me: 3....2...1.
She falled to the floor tired.
Ahri: What did you do to her?
Me: Nothing. She seemed a hiperactive person so i blew her mind off with "our relationship" and her brain took it more seriously, and it automacly shut down, because of the tiredness.
Akali: Smart.
I remove my mask. And my hood off. My hair was shown, so was my face. My face was tired.
Ahri: Someone is tired.
Me: I feel another disturbence in the Force. I will need to sleep with someone.
Ahri: Yeah, you need. Kai'Sa likes her space, so she is a no. I bet Evelynn and Akali will have some gun, if you dont wan to be disturbet to hear moans, you can sleep in Akali's room.
Akali and Evelynn, blushed.
Me: Ahri, i dont want to bother you, and by the way i hold the record of virginity's taken in my town so i'm ok.
Ahri: Really?
Me: Hell no, look at me. Who would want an orphan.
Those words seemed to touch the girls.
Me: So to Akali's room i go. Akali can you show me and inwill not need the bed.
Akali:What? Why?
Me: Nothing, now get the knocket out lady.
Ahri: Seraphine, i forgot about her, she likes people to be around her, a little bit too much.
I picked her in a arm.
Me:Where to go?
I picked Akali on the other arm.
She giggled.
"I swore i just heard Ahri telling Eve"I think Tom is winning Akali"."
Akali: There.*pointing at a door*
I enter it.
I slowly put Seraphine on the bed.
I put Akali on my bed and go back at the girls.
I see Evelynn angry, she tries to hide it.
Me: Something angered you Eve.
I smirked.
She knew that i knew she was mad at me for being in Akali's spotlight and not her.
I really wuick steal Ahri.
Ahri: Whaaaast.
Me: What room?
Ahri: First from the left.
I slowly open the room. Its a normal one. The obly thing that caught my attention was the make-up sets on the table snd the mirror. I put Ahri down.
Me: Tell me when i can enter.
Ahri: How did you know i wanted to tell you that?
Me: I dint know, i just pressumed you would do it.
I left the room and waited.
Ahri: You can enter.
I entered back.
Ahri: So someone changed their minds.
Me: Meh.
I sat down on the lotus meditate form and stsrt meditating.
Ahri: Good night, Tom.
Me: Good night, Foxy.
She chuckled.
She slowly drifted into a sleep.
I was meditating till the morning.

Sorrow,pain. Thats all i know.....(Darth Nihilus's son x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now