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"Aurora McGonagall, your breakfast is getting cold!" Shouted Molly from downstairs. She had cooked breakfast for the household before her and Arthur went on vacation to see Charlie. When Molly got no response in five minutes, she sent Ginny up to make sure she hadn't croaked.

"Rory?" Whispered Ginny, knocking on the door softly. She slowly opened the door, revealing Sleeping Beauty herself. Aurora was sprawled out on the mattress, limbs hanging off the edge, hair matted against the pillow, candy wrappers everywhere, and her wand under her arm.

"Good Godric, you look terrible." Snickered the red haired girl, poking her in the cheek. Aurora groaned, straining her eyes against the sun-lit room. Her and Ginny were close, despite the three year age gap.

"Never let me party with the twins again."

Aurora McGonagall, adopted daughter of Professor Minerva McGonagall. After her parents met the same fate as poor Lily and James Potter, and unlike Harry, she had no other family, Minerva wanted to take her under her own wing.

While being Professor McGonagall's daughter has it's perks, there comes some flaws. She has no set home to call her own beside Hogwarts, which is a school to many. With this in mind, Molly Weasley steps in. Her and Arthur weren't going to let a young witch miss out on the joys of childhood due to not having anyone to be around during the summer and winter breaks, so she allows Aurora to stay at the burrow with her and her very large family. The more the merrier, in her mind.

Growing up amongst seven other children would drive any normal set of normal parents to insanity, but the Weasley parents are no normal parents. When they were in their youths, Mrs. Weasley would have Ginny propped up on on hip, and Ron on the other, and Aurora clung to one leg, while Mr. Weasley tended to the twins and young Percy, and Charlie became sort of a third parent at the ripe age of 9, who because a mentor for Bill.

Though there were many struggles, as any family would have, the Weasley's were strong brutes who raised their children, born and adopted, to do great things. Well, mostly great things.

Ginny eventually left Aurora to wake in private, and joined her family at the table. After laying still for a moment, she groaned and got herself up, feeling a wave of nausea. She reached in her night stand drawer and took a few painkillers to numb her hangover, downed a cup of water, and left her bedroom.

The voices of the Weasley children filled her ears as she went down the stairs, getting louder with every step. She tiredly slumps into an empty chair and picks up a biscuit, quietly taking a bite.

"Morning, sunshine." Says George, giggling and elbowing his twin.

"You look like-" Starts Fred, but is interrupted by a slap on the back of the head by his mother.

"Oh, won't you hush up. Good morning, dear." Says Molly, smiling. She took her seat at the head of the table, with Arthur at the other end, and resumed eating her breakfast. Aurora quietly ate her breakfast, listening to bits and pieces of the conversations going on around the table, until Arthur cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, we'll be leaving today, and I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Ginny, we should be back in time for your departure to school, but you'll need to go with someone to get the stuff you need." He says, and everyone at the table nods their head curtly.

Breakfast finished shortly after, and the girls clean the table, whilst the men help Arthur gather the things him and Molly will need for the trip. The family gathered in the den, receiving hugs and kisses from the parents.

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