Dean frowned when the angel staggered and leaned on the counter. He had wet spots and blood on his coat and his tie was draped across his neck. Dean's eyes traced down the unbuttoned, now off-white, dress shirt that was clinging to Cas's sweaty body.

He looked away and wiped a hand down his face, scratching at the scruff on his cheek, "Goddamit Cas.."

Castiel was drunk. Dean could tell by the glazed look in his eyes, and the way he couldn't walk towards Dean without using the counter as support.

"Dean! You wouldn't believe what happened tonight!" Dean rolled his eyes, "Lemme guess? You got wasted."
Cas nodded eagerly, "Your right! How'd you know..?" Dean pursued his lips and held his arm out, "Haha yeah, lucky guess."

Cas slowly looked Dean up and down, sending a cold shiver down his spine. He felt his knees wobble.

"Cas, c'mere."
Dean held out both arms this time and Cas staggered over, wrapping his arms around Dean's waist. He buried his nose into the crook of Dean's neck, making Dean tense. He felt blunt nails dig slightly into his hip, making him wince, "Dean, I think I'm drunk."

Dean chuckled, "Ya' don't say?"
Cas looked up at Dean and gave a huge smile, "I do say, Dean!" Dean smiled back.

Dean couldn't think of any other way to guide Cas down the hall, so he put one arm behind Cas's back and the other under his knees. Castiel squeaked and gripped tightly to Dean's neck, making him wheeze. Cas loosened his grip when Dean started cursing, "Sorry, Dean. I-"

Both of their heads shot up when a door creaked, followed by quick footsteps, "Dean!? Are you-"

Sam stopped dead in his tracks. He let out a long sigh and wiped sweat from his forehead, "Jesus, Dean! You scared the shit outta me!" Sam looked from Dean to the bundle of hiccups in his arms, "Is that-"

Dean sighed and got a better grip on Cas, slightly irritated and embarrassed that he couldn't just go put Cas somewhere already, "Yeah. It's Cas, and he's-" Cas grinned and hiccuped, "-VERY DRUNK!"

Dean flinched and chuckled slightly, "Yeah. Ya think?" Sam spun the bat in his hand shyly, "So what are you gonna do with him?" Dean blushed slightly, "Uh. I'll just take him to bed- Er. I mean.." Cas gave a high-pitched 'Oh!' and Sam laughed, "That sounds so wrong."

Dean felt his face get hot and his hands began working the fabric of Cas's trenchcoat, "I-uh- Shut up, Sam! It's late and I- I'm tired!" Dean found his way down the steps and shoved past Sam, "Go back to bed." Cas held on tighter and Dean felt his neck get very hot. He maneuvered his way through the tight hallway and used Cas's dangling feet to push his way through the door.

Cas made a hiccupy-giggle when Dean set him on the bed. His cheeks were pink and his whole face was just wrinkled in a smile. Dean gave a sort of smile in return. He walked away, only to be yanked back by his shirt, "-Dammit Cas!" Dean pushed Cas away again and walked over to the door, shutting it.

He walked over to his drawers and pulled out a pair of his smallest sweatpants and an AC/DC tshirt. Cas was on the bed staring at the ceiling, "Okay Cas, uh. How about you change into these." Cas sat up and took the clothes into his hands. He looked up at Dean, and set the clothes beside him.

Cas kicked his shoes off first, then he started fumbling with his belt and pants buttons. Before Dean could even comprehend what was happening, Cas was in his underwear. Dean blushed and turned away angrily, "Cas! What the hell!" Dean heard the distant laughing of Sam and blushed even harder.

Cas tilted his head and walked over to Dean, a drunk grin still plastered on his face, "Dean, am I- is my vessel making you uncomfortable?" Dean glanced at Cas's half unbuttoned shirt and pushed around Cas. He held a hand over his eyes, "Cmon Cas! Can't you just use your angle mojo to just zap into the clothes?" Cas, an absolute drunk mess, considered this, "But Dean, I'm drunk. I might just fly to somewhere else."

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