Chapter 1- A "Wonderful" Day

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"Make sure you make it home before sunset", my mother yelled to me, as I made my way out the door. My mother was a fairly pretty woman. She was about 5' 7" with long brown hair. She had a thin face structure and was a tad slender, due to the lack of food within our family.

"While you're out, can you buy us a bunch of wheat from the market?", my father said to me as he tossed me a single silver coin.

"Yeah sure pops", I say smiling at him, while I caught the coin and held it within my palm.
My father is a very hardworking man. He works as a doctor in the Shiganshina district. He stood at around 6' 1" and was thin, but not nearly as much as my mom and I. He had more muscle than the both of us combined, and had a tad bit of blonde scruff on his chin.

As I started to walk out the door of our old, small, and slightly unstable house, I found my brother who was on his way back from hanging out with his friends.

"Hey Kade!", I said to him as he approached our home.

"Hey Usaki, where you off to?", he said stopping in front of me to chat.

"I think I'm gonna go down to the bridge and watch the fish. Oh! Dad asked me to pick up some wheat as-well, so I'll be heading to the market too!", I said swirling the coin between my index and middle finger.

"Sounds like a good time! Oh, I almost forgot, Eren and the gang told me to tell you hello. I'll see you before sunset!", my brother said passing me to enter the house.

"See ya!", I said closing the door behind me as I left.

The bridge was about a half a mile of a walk from the place where I lived, so not too far of a tread for a 9 year old like myself. I'd been used to taking this walk, for I did it a lot. Currently, it's summer so I'm able to come down here any time. My favorite thing to do, is to watch the fish swimming through the stream. I picked up the pace after thinking about it. As I was walking though, thoughts of jealousy for my brother flooded my head. He and his friends all turned 10 within the last 3 months, meaning that they could go a mile away from their homes now! Here I was, stuck at only half a mile! I couldn't go and visit the fields on my own like my brother could! As I stomped along the brick road, my anger subsided after realized it would only be a year until I was able to go with them. Although Kade wouldn't like me to hang with him and his friends, I didn't care! I was going to make him take me with him!

After a bit of walking, I reached the bridge. It wasn't particularly a big bridge, but it was very pretty nonetheless. It was used so that carts could travel over the stream without having to go around it, but no one ever used it. That's why I like to go there! You see, in the stream below there were all different kinds of fish to look at. On a normal day, I would've brought the stale bread we had at home to feed them, but today I had stuff to buy. After walking onto the bridge, I leaned slightly over the side of the the railing to peer into the stream. Just like they were every day, the fish were there swimming downstream. I dangled over the brick railing for a bit, and decided to go dip my feet in.

I walked of the bridge and down to the stream. I took of my shoes and set them down with the coin inside them. I cuffed my pants so that they wouldn't get wet, then slipped my feet into the stream. I felt shivers run down my body due to how cold the water was. Although it was summer, this stream was always chilled. It was nice to be able to cool off in it. I felt the smooth stones on the bottom of my feet, and I stood still. I stared up at the blue and slightly clouded sky. It was a wonderful day.

I put my shoes back on and put my coin back in my hand, I didn't bother uncuffing my pants. The market was about a mile back in the direction I came from. The only reason I'm able to go, is because it's a half a mile from my house too. Maybe on my way back I can stop and say hi. No no, they'd just get mad that I don't have the wheat. I picked up the pace as I walked, because I was excited for dinner. Today we were going to have potato soup! I was getting the wheat from the market for the bread we would make to go with it.

After a bit of walking, I finally reached the market. It was bustling with many people, be it people selling food, people buying food, and even members of the Garrison Regiment. They make sure that people aren't stealing anything and stuff like that. Usually, they just sit there and get drunk while playing cards. If I were ever to join the Garrison Regiment, I'd do better than them. I started walking down the market looking for a stall that sold wheat for a reasonable price, when I heard someone say a familiar name. "Eren, blah blah blah", is what I heard from a woman near the oranges stall. I creeped closer so that I could hear her better.

"Turns out he got into another fight! The blonde one was getting picked on and he tried to defend him. Stupid boy, he got himself beat up in the process. Only reason he got out of there without more bruises was because of that other girl. What was her name.. Mi.. Mik... Ah Mika!", said the woman by the oranges stall.

"If you aren't going to buy anything I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Also, it's Mi Casa!", said the man at the orange stall.

They were talking about Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. I hope my brother wasn't with them when this all happened. Sigh. They're always getting into trouble. They're such idiots.

I walked up to a wheat stall that had the lowest priced wheat, and asked for a single bundle. A man handed me my wheat, and I tied it onto my back, so that my arms would be free. I thanked the man for the wheat and handed him my silver coin. Now, it was time to go home! I skipped through the market in excitement for tonight's dinner. Although I hadn't been gone long, I was starting to feel lonely as well. I was looking forward to playing cards with my brother later tonight too.

I turned the corner of the market to face the walls. The walls made sure that the titans couldn't make it into our town. We lived in the outermost wall, called Wall Maria. The titans where giant human like creatures that ranged in sizes. They ate and hunted us humans for sport and not even for consumption. There were three walls that were put up to keep us safe, and everyday on my walk back from the market, I had the clearest view of them. I continued to skip along the brick road whist staring at the walls. I looked down at my foot and saw that one of my shoelaces had become untied. As I crouched down to re-tie my shoelace, I heard a scream come from next to me. I jumped up in fear and stared at the lady, who was covering her mouth and pointing at the wall. I slowly turned my glance towards the wall.

My face went pale as I, myself, saw the giant titan's head that had reached over our precious wall. I collapsed to my feet and also let out a bloodcurdling scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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