"Oh, pooey. Well I don't mind as long as your father doesn't." She shrugged, putting the last apple in the refrigerator.

"Ok, thanks. We leave this Friday, and they should be picking me up." I added when I turned to go back upstairs.

"Alrighty, then." She replied.

When I got back to my room, I sat down and pulled a piece of paper and a pen towards me. I didn't need to use a quill when I was out of school.

I figured I'd write to Potter first, get it over with, then write out my response to Marlene. After I finished, I read it over and made sure it sounded right.

Dear James,

Thanks for the invitation. After careful consideration, I have decided to accept your invite and stay with you guys at this lake house of yours.

However, I will only be staying for a week, and am doing so simply because I know I wouldn't be able to last a whole summer in a house with you and Sirius. Marlene seemed quite keen on me staying as well.

See you this Friday,

Yes, that sounded good. Short and sweet. Best to let him know I'm staying for Marlene's sake and not give him the impression I'm going for him. The last thing that boy needs is more confidence to boost his ego.

I picked up a nearby envelope and folded the letter into it, finally sealing it with a sticker.

I picked up another sheet of paper and began writing once more, only this time to Marlene.

Dear Marlene,

You were right, I did have a mind to throw the letter away. I refrained, however, and I've decided to accept the invitation. It'd be an awful shame to make you stay in a house with three marauders, all alone and nobody to talk to. I'll only be staying for a week, though. I think a week of living with Potter is more than plenty for me.

As for his writing, I noticed the same thing. He seemed quite polite, much unlike himself. Maybe an alien wrote the letter? Well, thinking on it now, there wouldn't be much difference between Potter and an alien. Both are big headed and extraterrestrial.

Love you tons and see you on Friday,

After folding the letter and sliding into a second envelope, I walked over to Elles cage and tapped the bars lightly. She woke up and looked at me curiously, then saw the letters in my hand. She quickly jumped up and held out her leg importantly.

"Got enough rest I hope? Look, this ones for James," I said, tying his note to her right leg, "and this one is for Marlene? Think you can handle that?"

She hooted and stepped onto my outstretched arm. I walked her to the window and opened it, where I watched her soar out and into the afternoon sky.

After she was out of sight, I flopped down onto my bed again and let off a heavy sigh. I can't believe what I've just done. I just accepted and invitation from James Potter to stay with him and his gang at a lake house. Am I mad?

After half an hour of flipping my thoughts over in my mind, I heard my door open quietly.

"Hey, Lily, have you scrubbed the sinks already?" My mum's voice asked from the doorway.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

"Brilliant," she clapped her hands together, "Want to help make dinner before your father gets home?"

"Sure, why not." I shrugged and stood up from the bed, trailing my mom on the way down the stairs. Better do something before I drown in my own head.

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