Prologue ✔

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Prologue: And Then, There Was Y/N Weasley

How do I tell a well-structured story when life is absolute chaos? Well, I suppose at the beginning. 

On the 1st of March 1980, Molly Weasley (née Prewett) gave birth to her second set of twins.  Molly and her husband Arthur decided to name the twins Ronald Bilius and Y/N Minerva. Now, to say that the Weasleys were excited would be an understatement, they were ecstatic. 

Why you may ask? Well, let's just say Mrs. Weasley was giddy with glee to finally have a daughter. Don't get her wrong, she loved her boys, but she wanted someone to dress up and certainly someone to talk about boys with. Mr. Weasley was also giddy, he finally had someone to spoil and he certainly knew who his favorite child was, no offense to his boys. 

Though they didn't love the girl's twin or their other boys any less, however,  I can't really blame them. The chaos at the Burrow was well chaos. 

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley thought that maybe having a girl would help. Maybe their boys (especially their twin sons Fred and George) would quiet down and behave with a girl in the house. Maybe Fred and George would outgrow their mischievousness and be good role models for Y/N and Ron (mostly Y/N). Maybe she'd end all the chaos and mischief that Fred and George caused. Maybe little Y/N would be a good influence on them.

Oh, how wrong they were. 

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