Bubble, pop, electric-gwen stephanie

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Ohhhhhhh hello! Just quick note before the story begins, this is an idea I've had for a while of high school AU skephalo, now, this will probably be a fluffy just to start us off, I hope you enjoy <3

Just a quick note, I dont ship the actual people for any of these chapters, I will probably end up using their real names though.


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Every one in this high school has a nickname hence Skeppy and Bad.
Skeppy is a little bit of a bad boy in this too and Bad is very much like a classic nerd i would suppose.


Bad lightly hummed as he exited his class, holding his binders and textbook along with his other school supplies close to his chest, lightly humming as he walked to his locker to grab his things in order to leave school. Reaching the door, spinning the knob for a few and hearing it pop open with a satisfying click, he smiles a soft smile, placing in his pencil case along with his second binder before grabbing his bag and placing what he needed into it to leave.....

Or that's would've how it would have gone if is boyfriend Zak didn't come bounding down the hall and crash right into bad, having being running from one of his friends getting into a small fight with them, and crashing into him... by accident of course. With the book he once held in his hand now on the floor and a slight annoyed look on his face, Bad turned to his boyfriend. "Geppy!? What the hell!?" He asked somewhat angry, he was more annoyed then angry. Skeppy smiled at his and picked up his book for him, a small giggle coming from him "sorry bad, hey, have you decided where we're going tonight?" He asked the taller with a grin. Checking over his shoulder grinning every once and a while to make sure his friend Dream wasn't seen.

Bad's annoyed look turned into one of confusion "what do you mean geppy?" You see, it was a form of a tradidtion between the boys to go out for a date night twice a month, this was this months first date, Bad had completely forgotten about this, having being completely caught up with things with school. It was easy for him to loose tract of time. The smaller smiled at him, "where were going for our date tonight stupid?"

Realization hit Bad like a truck, "oh my goodness geppy! I'm so sorry I forgot that we were doing that tonight!" The smaller of the two laughed at his forgetfulness "of course you forgot, how about you think about it until I come pick you up later, hmm?" He look at him with a smug smile spread across his face.

"That'd be perfect geppy thank you" bad said looking at him, finishing packing his bag up and locking his locker. Then leaving the building with Skeppy soon after being found by Dream and bolting off once again, Darryl smiled softly hearing shouts from both his boyfriend, Dream and Dreams boyfriend.

-time skip-

Bads POV
'Finally' I thought to myself, I had just gotten done with my homework for the weekend, which is great because I wont have to worry about anything to do this weekend. I heard my phone buzz for the fifteenth time and finally turned it over to see what or who was messaging me.

"Fifteen messages from Geppy" I mumble out to myself, smiling softly I open the messaging app on my phone to see what he was asking.

'Have you decided where to go tonight?'
'Baldie '

I sigh to myself softy and type out my message to him, then immediately get facetimed by him, 'of course' I think with a soft eye roll before answering.

Skeppy was quick to dial Bad, smiling as he answered Skeppy was quick to question Bad "so have you decided where were going tonight? Please tell me you have bad, you know I dont like waiting to know what we need to do" the smaller slightly impatient boy stated to his boyfriend. Darryl smiled and looked at the boy on his screen, in his mind he had slightly panicked cause he had been thinking of where they would be going out tonight. 'Shoot' he thought to himself. "Uhhh..... How about we go too" he was trying to think of where to go.

"Drive in movie?" It was the first thing that came to his slightly panicked mind. "Drive in movie? Yeah that sounds good!! Alright I'll pick you up at six, what do you wanna go see?" The smaller of the two questioned him. "How about you pick Geppy, you know I'm not picky" he said with a soft smile. "Alright!! Its a surprise for you then!!! Okay I'll pick you up at six!" Before the older could get in a word he hung up on him.

-skip once more-

Darryl looked himself over once more in the mirror, he wanted to look perfect, as pernormal, for his date tonight with Zak. He had on a soft red knit sweater, a dress shirt under with the collar over the neck of the sweater, a pair of black ripped jeans and his classes pushed up on the bridge of his nose. "Perfect" he hummed to himself. Hearing his phone start to ring, he grabbed it off his desk along with hus wallet, picking up and smiling when he heard Zak's voice. "Hey, I'm here babes " Skep said to him "alright one sec, I gotta put my shoes on and stuff, I'll be out soon okay?" He asked him. "Yeah, yeah perfect."

The taller of the two walked down the stairs in the house to the front hallway, yelling to his mom "hey, I'm going out with Zak!" Not waiting for a response, pulling on his shoes and grabbing his keys before leaving.

He walked out making sure the door was locked and walked towards Skeps car, not being able to see the male inside due to the tinted windows. Hoping in and smiling at him "hey Geppy" he said to him with a smile. Other looked over "hey hun, how you feelin?" He asked while driving off "ehh a little tired but I'm looking forward to watching the movie, what did you choose?" He asked, curiosity laced his voice when he looked at him. "Texas chainsaw massacre two" the other said none schlontly. "GEPPY WHAT THE HELL!? YOU KNOW I'M NOT GOOD WITH HORROR MOVIES!!!" Darryl began to freak out, Zak smiled and laughed softly "Darry I'm joking, I got us tickets to go see crazy rich Asians" he said still somewhat laughing at Bad's freak out. "Oh" was all Bad said, feeling slightly embarrassed about his freak out.

Zak hummed softly and rested his hand on Darryl's thigh while driving, Bad smiled softly and looked over at Skeppy softly, seeing he had on his leather coat and a blue and black tie dye esc shirt along with black ripped up jeans, a classic outfit he would wear out. The drive seemed fast to Bad with their talks about what they would get to eat at the movie.

Pulling into the theater, getting their tickets, and pulling into their spot after getting their snacks, they both got comfy in their respective spots. Zak's hand still resting on Darryl's thigh as the movie started. Darryl seemed rather focused on the movie when Zak piped up "you wanna move to the back to be more comfy?" He asked him, Bad nodded and the two moved to the back.

As the movie went on Darryl continued to cuddle in closer and closer into Zak until he was basically on his lap.

Zak's POV

I smile softly as I see Darryl cuddle in closer to me again, I held him closer and continued to watch the movie. Every once and a while planting a kiss on his forehead. I wanted to see after a while, how far I could push it, my soft kisses slowly started to get slightly lower and lower onto his neck and shoulders. I heard a small whine come from Darryl "geppyyyyy stop I'm trying to watch the movie." I sigh softly and comply with his complaint ' one day' I think to myself 'one day I'll be able to see how far I can push him'. I smile and hold him closer and continue to watch the movie.


Sooner then later, Bad ended up falling asleep in the backseat of the car, sleeping through the rest of the movie, which Zak knew he would end up complaining about not being able to see the end of it. With the movie ending Zak pulled himself up into the drivers seat and waking Darryl up to get him to move into the passenger seat.

Driving to his house Zak pulled into the drive way, getting out and picking up a sleepy Darryl from the passanger side, walking up to the door, locking his car and opening the front door to his house, taking his Sleepy Darryl into his house, upstairs to his room for the night.

Once placing the sleeping male into bed, he also hopped into bed after changing quickly. He held the sleeping male close and slowly fell asleep as well.


Word count: 1.6k

Hey! I hoped you enjoyed the first
chapter, uh I don't really know what else to say but I got some ideas myself, if you have a request feel free to message me about it. Anywhoosits into the next chapter!

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