❇Chapter 1❇

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Ashton's POV

Hmm. It feels good to be back home. "Hey man did you tell Cecilia we're coming in today?" Jasper asked me from the kitchen. "Um... Last time I checked the three of us own the house together and we all know Cecelia's number so what stopped you from calling her?" Oh forgive my manners, let me introduce myself to you. I'm Ashton Phillips, son of John and Lauren Phillips and brother to a not so little annoying pixie, Alexa Phillips. So I'm tall, not heavily built but really fit, with a body to die for. At least that's what the ladies say (winks). I've got the abs and muscles don't worry they just don't bulge out like Dwayne Johnson's own. Emerald green eyes which I got from my mother and a mass of unruly bronze hair that look like they belong to a god. I can't help buy say I'm awesome. I'm rich, I can afford my own house but still choose to live with my guys and lastly, I've got connections like no other.
         "Like you don't get it, there's no food in the freaking refrigerator! " Jasper said slamming the door to the refrigerator like it was responsible for being empty. For the record, he and the big headed Eric Maxwell are the buddies I live with. "That's why I always say it's better to get laid than be cock blocked sorry" Eric came in with his booming voice. "Is there any other thing you think of other than sex? Jeez! We were talking about food!" I yelled. "Oh you mean my second love? I had no idea!" Eric replied with the most innocent look. "I'll just order us some pizza, at least we still have cold beer". Jasper makes the call to order while I call Cecilia to let her know we need groceries and other stuffs. I'm done with the call and I move to the living room where the guys are at when the door bell rings and I volunteer to get it. That must be the pizza guy.
      I'm at the entrance and I open the door only to be met with a perfectly shaped behind stuck up my face. There is no way that ass belongs to a guy and my thoughts are confirmed when the owner turns around to reveal the most angelic face I've ever seen. For a moment there my breath hitched and it took me 5 good seconds to get my head out of the gutter and stop staring.
       " Oh um ... I'm sorry. I'm not sure if this is the right address. I kinda lost the paper where I wrote it. Is this house no 13? The pizza girl asks, her thick long lashes paring at me. "Um yea... Yea it is" I quickly reply as she hands me our order. It's hard to stop looking at that brown doe eyes and rich chocolate brown hair packed in a messy bun atop her head.
         "I was saying you haven't paid for the delivery" she said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Um yea let me just get my wallet out", with the boxes of pizza on my left hand and me fiddling for my wallet with my right hand it turns out I left my wallet in the living room. "Just a minute please...forgot my wallet".  "The pizza is here? Why did it take you so fucking long tho?" Eric curses and grabs the boxes from my hands. I grab my wallet completely ignoring Eric. I'm back at the door and she's trying to put loose tendrils of her hair in order and she looked real cute.
"Sorry if I took long, this is for the delivery and this is your tip" I put on my signature smile trying to catch her attention but she just mumbles a thank you and something about having a nice day and struts back to her van without so much as a look back. I guess the smile didn't work on her ,too bad.
        "You know you guys could have waited for me before devouring a whole box already!" I couldn't have been gone that long. "Man, we tried waiting but you were taking so long I could have sworn you were making out with the pizza guy, although I didn't hear you guys moaning". Did I say Eric has no filter? Well He doesn't!
         "Eric I'm straight okay and I'm pretty sure I proved that two nights ago at the club" I refuted. "You were pretty wasted man" Jasper added laughing hard. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, you know how Eric eats and you order two boxes really?!" "All I did was feed my beloveth tummy is that a sin now?" Eric whines. "Oh please" I shut him up as I grab a beer and the next minute we're all in laughter.
Later on Cecelia comes over with groceries and spends her time making enough food so we can always reheat them whenever. We're watching a game when my phone rings and I look at the screen. It's the pixie.
"If it isn't my not so little sister" "Well hello to you too big brother" Alexa squeals into the phone. Her energy is on another level no joke. "What's up Alexa?"
"I'm good, never been better" she chirped.
"I'd say how's France treating you but that wouldn't make sense, so how are you treating France?"
"Haha funny. Beautiful tho! I absolutely love this place. But guess what?" Oh no. Alexa and surprises do not belong together. "What again?" "I'm coming home in 2 weeks time!"
"You're kidding right? Cos I'm not ready to be stalked by you 24/7" I teased waiting for her outburst.
"You think I'm a stalker, I'll show you one when I get back and you're gonna regret saying so" she threatens. "Oh I'm so scared" I reply sarcastically. We talk some more and Cecelia comes in saying she's ready to leave cos her husband is waiting. Cecelia is almost fifty yet she and her husband Frank do the most romantic things for each other.
           I volunteer to drive her home and the boys don't even object. Idiots. They're so into the game, they didn't even notice when we left. There are only 3 women I have a soft spot for; my mum, Alexa and Cecelia. I've literally known her all my life so she's like a mother figure to me also. I give her a swift peck after I drop her at the door of her house and head back to my car. What I don't expect is bumping into some brunette___ wait a minute, it's the pizza girl.
         "You???" "Oh my gosh" she gasped at her phone lying shattered on the floor. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I try to apologize immediately. "It's okay, I just need to get a new one, although I don't know how" she mumbles the last part. "No let me, I broke it, let me get you another" I offered. "There's no need for that, thanks. Sorry for bumping into you" she replied rather uncomfortably. "I should be the one apologising, the name is Ashton by the way, and you are?" "Amber" she replied nervously. "I have to go now". "Let me walk you home at least". " Look it's okay, there's really no need. Bye" she walks away without letting me reply. There's definitely something about that girl. I should probably ask Cecelia. Damn those lips.

A/N: Hmmm finally completed the first chapter. I'm actually going to be writing in the POV of the main characters. Not too good with male characters but I hope I tried. Please try to refrain from making negative comments. Thank you! Oh and happy boxing day people! 🎁🎁🎁

Love me tenderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora