Latent Interests

370 9 1

~Takes place in May of 2039 in Detroit, MI. Character included - Nines/RK900~

(y/n) = Your name

(l/n) = Your last name

(h/c) = Your hair color

(h/l) = Your hair length

(e/c) = Your eye color

(f/d) = Your favorite design

(f/c) = Your favorite color

(f/m) = Your favorite movie

(f/a) = Your favorite alcohol (rum, vodka, whiskey, etc)


The quiet chatter of the television echoes within the living room. Time is reaching the late evening and the sun is close to setting. Floral smells waft in gently from the slightly gaped window of your living room, pleasing the senses with spring's growth.

Over the past five months you've been working with some of the detectives at the DPD, something that you've been doing besides your police work. Captain Fowler found your work ethics quite pleasing the last few times, and he has repeatedly asked if you could help in occasional cases. Most of the time, you work with Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Detective Connor. As of late, he has been pairing you with Detective Gavin Reed and Detective Nines. Both parties are just as interesting in their own ways, but sometimes Reed can be the sole reason that you leave in a bad mood.

Today happened to be one of those days. He must have woken up this morning with a wild hair up his ass, because he had constant snarky remarks about you. If he didn't complain about your attitude, it was something sexual or crude in some way. Nines can also be mean sometimes, but at least he doesn't treat you like crap because you're a woman. You just wish that the RK900 would stand up for you for once. After all, he knows how it feels to be treated poorly because you're different.

You have just finished eating dinner and are now in the process of changing. Some (f/d) fleece bottoms and a long sleeve (f/c) top are your choice for sleep wear. After grabbing a thick blanket, you head into your living room before plopping onto the couch with a sigh. Feet raise up to rest upon the coffee table, and you begin covering yourself in that cloud of warmth.

"TV, search for (f/m)," you demand, watching the screen switch to the movie that you just announced. "Play."

Maybe five minutes into the film, you decide that you need a little pick me up. With a quick stretch, you meander towards the kitchen with tongue wetting your lips slightly.

"Hmm. What to drink?" you wonder, eyes looking from the fridge to the cupboard nearby. "I think some (f/a) sounds good right now... I need to relieve some stress and relax," you state, rubbing one of your shoulders.

Just as you're reaching up to the shelf, you hear three definitive knocks rap against the front door.

Knock, knock, knock

"Who could that be?"

After placing the bottle onto the countertop, you begin trekking towards the noise. You're not sure if you're feeling paranoid that it could be some stranger, or if you're happy that a friend decided to stop by. A quick peek through the peephole makes your heart skip a beat from surprise.

"What the hell? Why is he here?" you think to yourself, pulling your (h/l) (h/c) hair into a quick ponytail using the band around your wrist.

You twist the knob, opening the barrier to reveal the RK900. He's wearing a black dress shirt that's tucked into his dark blue jeans, a dark belt that adorns a shiny buckle, black dress shoes, and an off-white blazer.

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