Chapter 8 - Cuire

Start from the beginning

10 minutes later


“Okay so as I was say—,”

“Wait! I LOVE THIS COMMERCIAL!” Hayes shouts, while I just look at him like, ‘excuse me but I was talking first’ but of course he doesn’t notice because he is too busy watching the new NIKE commercial. Once that commercial was finished,

“Okay, so as I was saying!” I rush out quickly looking around to make sure I wasn’t going to be rudely interrupted. I then turn to Cam.

“The park opens at 8 and closes at 10, except in order to go to both worlds we have to get a park-to-park pass and for adults they are $136 and for people under 18 it is $130 which is still pretty expensive,” I say. 

“What are you talking about?” Jack G asks.

“She wants to go to Universal Studios in order to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade and go to Diagon Alley,” Cam says. They all look at me.

“Oh my GOD! I love Harry Potter!” Shawn shouts in excitement and I couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit at his reaction. “Can I come too?” He asks.

“YUP!” I say popping the ‘P’.

“Sure we’ll come too,” Johnson says.

“Umm, but don’t you guys want to do something else on your day off instead of spending it with me. Cameron’s only coming because if he doesn’t I will probably get lost and cause he is my big brother,” I say while hugging him around the neck tightly and laughing.

“No we want to go with you guys. We’ll keep you and Cameron company while you run from place to place,” Taylor said while they all chuckled. I didn’t take offense to it. 

“Oh guys quick shut up! The show is back!” Matt shouts as everyone scrambles to look at the TV.

“My d*ck is 12 inches long!” Carter shouts in the middle of all the commotion. Everyone looks at him like ‘really’?

“That would make it a foot and that would be an odd place to have one anyways. Besides you shouldn’t lie you’re not Pinocchio it’s not going to grow every time you lie about its size,” I say back. All the guys are dying of laughter now and completely ignoring the TV while Carter is just giving me the evil eye but I know that deep down he knows it is funny as hell.

“I can’t breathe,” Matt says in between laughs.

This went on for the next 10 minutes. NO JOKE.

“I think I lost 3 pounds from that,” Nash says.

“Laughing is the best calorie burner,” I say quoting Audrey Hepburn. I love her, she is one of my role models in life. I set my laptop in the middle of the coffee table so it wouldn’t fall and I leaned back onto the soft couch and propped my feet up. However I missed because my legs weren’t long enough so I scooched down some more and tried again. Missed. I scooched down farther till I wasn’t really even leaning on the couch I was full on laying down and it wasn’t even comfortable anymore.

“UGH SHORT PEOPLE PROBS!” I shout out. They all just laugh at me. I don’t mind being short I actually kind of like it because it has its advantages.

You can get through small spaces

You look younger

You can wear heels and you look the average height

You never have to worry about the guy being taller

I am aware that I am short for my age and also that I will not grow anymore but being 5 foot and a half forever isn’t all that bad. 

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