𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚍

Start from the beginning

He hissed, one of the last glass bottles flying straight over to Fundy, hitting his jacket, piercing his shirt. He screamed, kneeling over, his hat falling off his head. Eret quickly picked him up, taking him to a different room.

Techno spit on the floor, firing the crossbow. The firework lit up the house in a burst of red light. Dream and Ph1lza lunged toward the cloud of smoke, Wilbur floating out of it. He stared down, hearing scuffling and cursing.

When the cloud dispersed, Dream and Ph1lza were the only two there. The door opened, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Skeppy, BBH, and Sapnap running in.

"What happened?!"

Tommy screeched, looking at his destroyed home. Techno got off one knee, walking over to Tommy. He put his hand on the blonde boy's shoulder.

"It's like Sun Tzu once said; it's in the past, so we shall not waste time dwelling on it."

And with that, Techno left the home. Tommy gave a defeated sigh, looking at the rest of the original group.

"Can anyone here give me an actual answer?"

Alex shook his head, standing up. He brushed off his shirt, his eyes sad and distressed. He walked over to the front door, sighing sadly.

"I'm not saying what happened. I don't want it happening again."

Alex left, sadly trudging home. Dream and Ph1lza looked at each other, before back at Tommy. The two shrugged, before leaving the home. Eret and Fundy walked back in, Fundy clutching his slightly bloody shirt.

The duo walked out, Fundy clinging to Eret in pain. Tommy looked at Wilbur, his face pleading answers. The ghost sighed, sitting on the overturned couch. Tubbo walked over to him, giving him a kind smile.

"I can tell you what happened, Tommy."

Wilbur looked up at the blonde kid, his hands clasped together. Tommy nodded, moving slightly closer to the brown haired spirit, his grey eyes cast to the floor.

"We were hiding, as your stairs exploded, and then..."

Tommy stared at Wilbur, his mouth wide open, the spirit crossing his legs, staring at the ground. Tubbo and the other people had already left.

"Wilbur... do you maybe.. remember anything about Schlatt?"

The brown haired ghost bit his lip, messing with the hem of his desaturated yellow sweater. He pulled the sweater slightly forward, staring at the gaping hole in his clothes.

"I don't remember much, Tommy. Why would I remember hi-"

"Wilbur, just tell me. Do you remember anything about Schlatt?"

Tommy stared at him, his hands clasped together as he begged for an answer. Wilbur sighed, looking back at his sweater.

"I don't remember him, Tommy."

The blonde haired child stared at the spirit, before sighing. He stood up, walking over to his destroyed stairs.

"I need to clean this up. You can head home now, Ghostbur."

Tommy muttered, as he began to take the sticks off the floor. Wilbur frowned, floating out of the house. He soon arrived at his small stone hut, opening his wood door. Walking over to his brewing stands, he stared at the bubbling red liquid that sat in the bottles.

He was so transfixed by it, watching as it popped and sparked, the liquid shining, casting a red glow over the rock walls. He grabbed one of the bottles, staring into it, before taking the lid off. He held the bottle up to his transparent lips. He wanted to take a sip of it so bad. He wanted life again. He wanted to remember what he had missed. Maybe he wanted to remember those feelings he felt.

Wilbur began to tilt the bottle back, the beautiful red liquid moving towards his lips, when the door was smashed down, causing Wilbur to drop the bottle, the glass going everywhere.

He stared at the person who just destroyed his door, his eyes widening. He looked familiar, a blue, oversized hoodie covering his torso, black jeans, cuffed at the bottom, with a pair of Timbs covering his feet. His brown hair was fluffy, with a couple streaks of white mixed in. He had soft brown eyes, his pupil's resembling a deer's, on their side. Most notably were the two large horns protruding from the man's head. Wilbur backed up, watching the man look around, confused, before walking back out of the hut.

"What... the fuck?"

Wilbur muttered, walking over to the door. He peeked out , looking around. No sign of the guy he just saw. He looked to the left, hearing the water splash against something. When he looked right again, he was greeted by the man's face, except different. It resembled the one he saw in Tommy's house. In fact, the more Wilbur looked at him, the more he looked like...


"Hi Wilbur. Great to see you again."

𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚖 (𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚋𝚞𝚛) (𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝙼𝙿)Where stories live. Discover now